Chapter Five

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chapter five 

"Mallory!" I called once I'd stepped foot in her house. I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen, meaning she was probably in the middle of making some weird food combination or baking.

I never understood her baking obsession, or weird food combination obsession. 

"How dare you walk into my house unannounced you asshole? Wha-" she froze in the doorway. She walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I stiffened at first but then let my body relax when I remembered she didn't want to hurt me. I didn't hug her back, Mallory didn't take much offence to it either.

"What happened?"

"Dad happened. Help?" I knew every nook and cranny of her house. I even fucking knew where her parents hid the fucking liquor from Mallory.  I'd been here so many times but she still liked to show me around. She was that type of a person. I even knew where she hid her sex toys, and that was a disgusting find.

She led me into the kitchen and pointed at a bar stool for me to sit on. I rolled my eyes but complied, she'd probably whoop my ass if I didn't. 

"Why did he hurt you?" Mallory asked in a quiet voice. She sometimes acted like my mother, even if I was older, she hated fighting and hated seeing people she cared about hurt. I already knew she was crying.

"Told him who my mate was." I said and I felt Mallory freeze. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me from behind.

"Ow ow ow ow ow Mal, stop it, it hurts" I whined and she laughed softly.

"You're a whiny child" she muttered and ripped my shirt open. That was my favourite shirt. 

"Well? Who's your mate? Who's the lucky guy?" Mallory was the only person who knew I didn't care about the gender of my mate, she also knew that if my mate had been female my dad wouldn't have reacted the way he did.

"Declan Blackwood" I still couldn't believe that my mate was a demon. Not only a fucking demon but the fucking demon prince. I don't actually know if he's the demon prince, I don't know how demon pa- clan- I don't know much about demons, fuck off.

"A demon? Hm.. that's unexpected but maybe you'll make a change? Like stop the wars between us?"

I shrugged. What was I suppose to do after I tell him? ask him personal questions? Say something like 'Hey, I'm your mate, let's fuck.'

Wouldn't Declan like that? 


No, he wouldn't. 

I glanced over my shoulder and over Mallory's when I heard a gasp. I narrowed my eyes and growled lowly when I saw the one person I did not want to see me like this.

"Elijah, go back home." Elijah was my little brother. He may be 16 but he gets mixed with me a lot, which is really confusing considering the fact that he looked nothing like me. 

He looked exactly like our parents. He had our dads dark brown hair and our moms blue eyes, a button nose and high cheekbones and freckles. 

As I said, he looked nothing like me. 

If I stood next to him I would look like a ghost, he had dark sun kissed skin while I had pale, paper pale skin.

"Did dad go this?" Elijah asked. 

"Yes he did, I'm fine."

"You're not fine Blake." Mallory whispered. I turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"You father he's a douche bag. He h-hurt you!" Mallory said, tears started falling down her cheeks.

"It's okay. I'll be fine." I assured them as I stood up. I immediately regretted it when the room started to tilt. Mallory and Elijah rushed forward to take my arms but before they did I pushed them away.

"I'm fine.. I'll be... fin-" I felt my knees buckle and heard Mallory scream before everything went black.

Well fuck.



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