Chapter Twenty-Three

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chapter twenty-three

I'm so going to die.

Ivy's dad is fucking huge. I'm taller but fuck, he's bigger than me. He could probably kill me. I'm most definitely going to be dead after this.

"What happened?" Was the first thing he said, it was directed towards Ivy. He was going to ask her why she was crying and then she was going to tell him and then he's gonna kill me. 

I'll be dead. 

Out of this world, never to be seen again. 

Literal mist.

I'll turn into dust and go flying through the air. 

A ghost. 

A reaper.

"He knows about uncle Seth." Ivy said and her dad's face paled. He's definitely going to kill me now, he's just gonna wrap his huge fucking hands around my neck and strangle me. I can feel my death approac—

"No one expect for the Red Moon pack are supposed to know that. How the hell does he know?" 


He didn't strangle me or try to kill me.

What the fuck.

"What?" He turned to look at me as if for the first time actually noticing I was in the same room as him. I took a two steps back when he took one forwards. 

He's literally gonna beat me to a fucking pulp.

Instead of actually doing that he frowned at me. Probably wondering why the hell I took a step back.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked. 

Pfffttt, me? 

Scared of him? 

As if. 

I'm Blake Villin, I'm scared of no one.


"Then why did you step away from me?"

"I don't want you to hit me, you look like you've got a strong punch" He stared at me as if I was crazy.

"Why would I ever hit you?" Why wouldn't he?

"Cause I made your daughter cry..? Cause I'm a bad person? I beat people up on a daily basis? I almost killed a teacher?" Declan looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"You almost killed a teacher?" I just shrugged. Who cares if I did? They were annoying me, they weren't human per se.. they were half.

Half-human, half-werewolf. It's not big deal, he was a pack warrior, he didn't die. The only reason he almost died was because he wasn't healing fast enough.

"That's not my problem, you're not my kid, your parents get to deal with you" Ivy's dad said and I glared at him.

Yeah, the so-called parent that left me on a couple's doorstep when they were having a hard time actually getting children themselves. 

Needless to say, never fucking do that to a child.

Declan cleared his throat when he noticed I hadn't stopped glaring at Ivy's dad. I snapped my attention to him instead, he mouthed something to me and I just frowned.

How am I supposed to understand him? 

He looks like a goddamn fish. 

Ivy's dad must've realised that bringing up my parents was a bad thing since he looked away from me, I saw his eyes flash with guilt and I rolled my eyes. 

"My grandmother told me. That's how I know." Ivy snapped her head to the side to look at me I'm surprised she didn't get a whiplash. I sat down on the bed, my back facing them. 

"Where is she? I'd like to talk to her, now." My whole body froze, my nails turned into claws and I squeezed my knee, drawing blood, trying to keep myself from turning and ripping Ivy's dad to shreds. I stood up and slowly turned around. I took a step forwards and then another one until I reached Ivy's dad. 

"She's six feet under the fucking ground." I seethed and left the room. I went straight outside and sat down on a tree stump, and stared into the woods. I wanted to shift and run to the stream in Silent Hill but I couldn't leave. Or maybe I didn't want to.

I also wanted to go to my grandmother's grave, it was located not far from the stream. 

Maybe that was why I loved that place. 

"You miss her don't you?" A voice said from behind me and I tensed, it wasn't Declan nor Ivy's dad. I looked over my shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"Elijah, what the fuck are you doing here? Did you forget the fact that you hate me? Oh and that I'm a so-called fag?" I stood up but kept my back facing him. I didn't want to look at him. 

I heard Elijah sigh and then leaves crunching and his footsteps coming closer to me. I glanced slightly over my shoulder and saw him raise his hand, most definitely to put on my shoulder. Before he was able to do that though, he was roughly pushed away from me. 

I turned around and was not surprised to see Declan standing in front of me and towering over Elijah. Just as I was about to open my mouth and say something nut I heard Zach's frantic voice in my head. 

"Alpha! The vampires have made a breach in the barrier!"

I froze on the spot. Declan turned around and asked me if I was okay but instead of answering him I shifted and ran, ran as fast as I could towards where I knew Zach would be. 

"I'm coming, stay put and make sure they don't move." I ordered Zach and heard him hum sharply in return. 

First my brother and then this shit? 

Can't I get some fucking rest? 

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