Chapter Fourteen

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chapter fourteen

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I said a few days ago. I didn't know how it was going to affect you. Can we maybe start over? - Declan

I read Declan's text over and over. It was irritating me, I couldn't think of anything else, only that stupid text. I was supposed to go out and buy baby formula for Ace, and I still haven't done that. I was supposed to go and buy clothes for him too, haven't done that either. All because of that stupid text.

I haven't moved from my spot either, I was still sitting at the end of the bed and glaring at the wall in front of me. Ace had moved closer to me. I sighed and stood up, stretching my arms above my head, I looked over at Ace and almost laughed.

He was laying on his back with his legs spread and his tongue was outside of his mouth. I snorted and went over to him and picked him up. He stirred a little but didn't wake up. I pulled a shirt on and went downstairs to the kitchen to grab my car keys.

I had to go to the fucking mall with a wolf pup, he did look like a dog, so it wouldn't be that big of a problem. I walked over to my car and stopped outside of it and looked down at Ace. I'm gonna have to drive with him in my lap...


I got in on the drivers side and placed Ace on my lap, he immediately curled into a ball. I started my car and started driving towards the mall, the only mall that this small fucking town had. I would love to be a fucking bird or an angel right now, I could just fucking fly to the mall. I envied angels and the birdfolk for that, they could fly to wherever, without any problems.

God I actually hated the mall so much, teenagers everywhere, they thought they were so fucking cool with their chains and.... weird clothing. They wore too much pastel, it's like they have no fucking clue what clothes match and what clothes don't. Like what? A pastel orange crop top with a pastel blue skirt? Really?

I got out of the car once I had parked and grabbed Ace with my one hand and let him lay on it while I walked around the mall, trying to find some type of a baby store. Some type of a baby store that were for wolf pups, I knew that there were some in this mall, some of the elders from the pack had wanted to establish some type of a clothing store and my mother had given them the idea of a baby store thing, they had more than just baby clothes, they had baby formula and toys and diapers and other baby stuff.

Ironically, the name of the shop was SoulMate. I walked inside and was immediately hit with the scent of apples, Jesus it was strong. Even Ace opened his eyes and sniffed the air, wow. One of the workers saw me, I didn't recognize her, that meant she wasn't a werewolf nor in the pack.

I looked around quickly, looking for some baby formula. I heard a yip and looked down at Ace, I raised a brow at him and he nodded his head towards something. I looked up and in that direction and saw the baby formula. I had to keep myself from snorting at the fact that Ace knew what I was looking for.

I walked over to it and just picked out the first one I saw, not caring about it. I then walked over to the clothes and started looking at some of them. I put Ace down on the floor, I wasn't that surprised when he sat down near my foot instead of running away. I picket out a black shirt that matched the one I was wearing, I crouched down and showed it to Ace, I held it up beside his head and nodded.

It's gonna fit.

I picked out another shirt that was white and had some weird purple pattern on it. I picked out some pants, mostly black. I was just about to pick Ace up and go to the cashier when I heard a door open and a familiar voice.

"Diana I told you to stop staring at the fucking customers if you think they're hot."

"Shit! Sorry Dee."

I looked over at the cashier and the guy. A guy I recognised too well, that stupid white hair was now pinned back with a pin, the uniform he was wearing fit him perfectly and I hated the fact that I was unable to look away.

I tore my gaze away from him and crouched down to look at Ace. He was still sitting near my foot.

"D'you think these will fit you?" I asked him, if there had been any humans in this shop they would probably think I was crazy for talking to an animal but since there weren't, it was fine.

"Need any help?" I froze, my grip on the shirt I was holding in front of Ace tightened and I slowly stood up. I turned around and faced Declan, his eyes widened in surprise from seeing me here, probably because I was in a fucking baby store.

"I'm done. I don't need help. Not from you anyway" I was about to walk past him when I remembered Ace, I sucked in a deep breath and crouched back down and held my hand out to Ace. He looked at it funny and, I guess, his first instinct was to bite me.

I yanked my hand back with a hiss, his teeth are fucking sharp. I looked at the place were he had bit and was not surprised to see a little bit of blood.

"Ace.. really? You're not supposed to bite me, you've got sharp teeth, it hurts okay? No biting." I scolded and picked him up, I grabbed the baby formula off the floor and turned to face Declan again.

"Wait, is that.."


"He's yours?"

"I guess"

I swear to god I saw a mix of hurt wash over Declan, he quickly hid it thought.

"You found your mate?" He asked and I glared at him. I stepped closer to him and he tensed.

"I already found him. But he's too much of a fucking pussy to accept the bond, so thanks, cause I'm probably gonna die soon because of it and then Ace'll die." I seethed and walked past him, shoving his shoulder with mine.

I went over to the cashier, who was Diana, the girl I was once supposed to mate but didn't. At least I hope I don't have to, I haven't heard from my dad in a while so I assume I won't be.

I placed the stuff down and waited for her to scan everything before paying and walking out of the store, I wanted to slam the door but it would probably break and I would have to pay loads of money to get it fixed, so I didn't slam it.

I heard someone shout my name, that someone being Declan, but I ignored him. At least until he grabbed my shoulder and stopped me by standing in front of me.

"Didn't you get my text?"

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