Chapter One

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for choosing Alpha's Glory to read! 

This does perform in the same world but not the same year, when Movements ended the characters who are 18 were the same age as Ivy, a.k.a 3 years old but (obviously) they're 18 now, and so is Ivy, she may make an appearance in this book. 

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ MOVEMENTS BEFOREHAND, this book rarely mentions anything that happened in the book Movements. 

Feel free to leave thoughts and whatever types of comments you want, (such as maybe wishing a character was dead already or wanting to murder a character) feel free to also correct my grammar. 

ALSO this book can be quite confusing at times, but it usually clears up before you have to question it. 

I really do hope you enjoy this book! 

- Mel

chapter one 

I hate mornings. 

"Dude! This is our senior year! You'll find your mate this year!" Zach, the most irritating person in the fucking universe that is my so-called best friend, said with excitement. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know." I muttered and flopped down onto my bed, face first. I heard Zach let out a noise of frustration. 

"Get up. You're alpha, and you're like this? God give me mercy before I beat his ass" Zach walked over to my bed and grabbed both of my ankles. I grabbed at the bed sheets to try and get away from him but his grip tightened. 

"Don't you fucking dare." I seethed. I looked over my shoulder to glare at him. Zach smirked before pulled me off the bed. I landed face first on the floor and Zach cursed under his breath before running out of my room. Most definitely trying to get away from me and my grumpiness and now also my need to kill him painfully and slowly. 

I got up and chased after him. I caught him by the back of his shirt and pushed him against a wall and caged him. I narrowed my eyes at him and those silver orbs widened before he tried to push me off but I didn't budge. 

"Have mercy! Fucks sake Blake!" He screamed in my face and I stepped away from him and clutched my head. I glared at him and he yelped and ran away. Again. 

"I told you to stop screaming in my face! It sounds like Apollo himself is having a fucking concert in my head!" I yelled and ran after him. 

"Apollo is not the god of concerts Blake! There isn't even a god of concerts!" 

"Fuck you!" 

"You just insulted Apollo now you want to fuck me?!" 

"Zachary Cain and Blake Ares Villin! Stop acting like children and get to school!" Ah, my mother. I had almost forgotten about her for a second. She wakes up early everyday just so that she's able to come over and make me breakfast. 

"Zach started it!" I whined while walking into the kitchen. She looked at me with an unimpressed look.

Okay fine yes I could act like a 5 year old weakling sometimes, fuck off.

"I don't care who started it. You're finally 18 and you're going to meet your mate today. Possibly at school." She said, she'd been waiting for this day since I was born.

I've been 18 for like 5 months, thanks for noticing mother. 

"But what if it's a demon? There are hundreds of demons at school" Zach chimed in once he walked into the kitchen.

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