Chapter Twenty-Seven

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chapter twenty-seven

It's weird.

Declan, I mean.

He's acting weird. Ever since he told me he loved me he's been acting weird.

In a good way. He's been acting very affectionate.

He slept in my bed when he got tired, and he cuddled up to me, he even made sure to not touch any of my bandages. He keeps kissing my cheek, or just any part of my body that's closest to him.

"Here." I said to Declan as I handed him Ace's food. He took it, placing it in front of Ace. I watched him as he fed Ace the food.

It was cute.

Really cute.

I leaned against the counter and watched them, subconsciously putting my hand on the bandage that was wrapped around my stomach, fidgeting with one of the ends of the bandage.

It didn't hurt, it just felt weird. Like how my hip aches when I run in my wolf form, like that, it didn't specifically hurt but it wasn't comfortable either.

I hated the fact that I had let my guard down on that hunting trip. Just one fucking second that I hadn't been looking, I was shot by an arrow, and still to this day it haunts me. I could've been killed, the same way my grandmother had been killed if Zach hadn't saved me by killing the hunter that had shot me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder that snapped me out of my thoughts, I looked up and saw Declan looking at me with concern.

"You okay?" I nodded and smiled slightly. To say his smile grew was an understatement, his face lit up like a goddamn fucking Christmas tree.

That may be because of the fact that I finally somehow smiled at him.

He placed a chaste kiss on my lips and I tensed for a second before I remembered that this was normal. He turned around and went back to feeding Ace.

I watched them silently. I walked up behind Declan and decided to do something that was far out of my comfort zone.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and I leaned a little closer to him and buried my face in the crook of his neck. I rubbed my nose against the side of his neck, marking him with my scent. He seemed confused by that but didn't comment on it.

Ah, I forgot, he's a demon, not a wolf.

"I scent marked you." I murmured against his neck. I felt him put his hands over my arms. I lifted my head and looked at him.

He was looking at me with a smile, but I knew he was still goddamn confused as to why I scent marked him when he actually didn't have any scent glands, since he's a demon and demons aren't animals.

"It's my way of marking you as mine, since we haven't mated yet."

"When we... you know.. mate, are you actually going to bite my neck?" I let out a soft laugh and smiled at him, a full on fucking smile.

"Yeah, we'll most likely get a mind link, so that we'll be able to talk to each other in our heads, which means that I'll be able to hear everything you think of."

He still looked confused but at least he knew what would happen.

"Wait, my da-" he stopped abruptly, looking at me with a horrified expression which made my heart start beating quicker and my whole body go tense.

He was scared, of what? I don't know but the only thing I wanted to do was kill the person or thing that was scaring him.

"What's wrong?" I demanded and tightened my arms around his waist. Declan looked at Ace, who was watching me and looking scared at the sudden change of my mood.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something." Was the only thing he said, which irritated me. I could tell something was bothering me but he wouldn't tell me.

"Tell me, I won't get mad."

"I'll tell you when I feel like telling you." I slowly nodded. I tightened my arms around his waist and placed a gentle kiss on the back of his neck. I heard his breath hitch slightly and rolled my eyes.

"So you're allowed to kiss me whenever, wherever, but I'm no allowed to?" I teased while loosening my hold of him. I felt his hand grip onto my arm tightly, I looked at him and tilted my head to the side.

"It's my dad, I was gonna say something about him but then I remembered that he's not here anymore, that's... why I just stopped talking. I don't want you to think I'm hiding something from me that's why I'm telling you."

"You didn't have to tell me that, but I'm glad you did." I said with a smile and let Declan wrap his arms around by torso and bury his head against my chest. I kissed the top of his head as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and let him lean more against me.

I saw red smoke appear in the corner of my eye and sighed. I pulled away from Declan and turned around to give Ares a glare.

"Calm down son, I'm sorry to disturb your special moment but, Zeus called me and it appears that some type of fool tried breaking into my palace, so I'll be leaving you for now." Ares said with a smile.

I had a weird feeling in my gut, it was like I didn't want him to leave. As if knowing I actually didn't want him to leave, Ares came closer and placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently.

"I'll come back when you need me." I nodded slowly and placed my hand on top of his. It felt like I could cry.

He's leaving, and I've been nothing but mean to him. I haven't even gotten to know him. I know nothing about him. Absolutely nothing. He's my dad and I know nothing about him.

I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. This was the first time I was actually hugging him, I've never hugged him, not even as a child.


I felt him wrap his arms around me, and for time first time in years, I felt small. Without even realising it, I tightened my arms around his torso and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Son, I have to go." I heard him mumble but I didn't want to let go.

"don't go.. please.. I just got you back, dad.."

"I know.." And then I couldn't feel him anymore. I opened my eyes and the only thing I saw was a column of red smoke. I cursed under my breath and turned around to stare out into the woods.

He left.

My dad left me once again just like everyone else.

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