Chapter Nineteen

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chapter nineteen

"Are you gay?" he spat with so much anger I actually stiffened. My eyes widened and I slid off the counter.

"Answer me goddammit!" I jumped at his voice. I'd never heard him this angry before. He was angry because of me.

"What do you want me to fucking say? I'm sorry you have a fag for a brother? I'm sorry for being gay?" I seethed and took a step closer to him. I felt him grow angrier at my words.

"Yeah! It's not fucking normal!"

"News flash, dumbass! We're not normal, for fucks sake! We're werewolves! We can turn into fucking wolves, Elijah! And you're telling me being gay is not normal? That's the most normal thing about me! Love isn't even normal! You fall in love with someone, have sex with them, then you either live your entire fucking life with them or you don't!"

He took a step closer to be and shoved me back. My back hit the counter, and I glared at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw red smoke appear but thought nothing of it.

"You're not my brother, you're an abomination." He spat at me thinking it would hurt me. I stood up straighter and took a step closer to him. Our chest's were touching but he had to look up to meet my eyes.

"I have never even been your brother. We're not related, never have been. Your parents took me in when I was a child, I don't know when or why. Maybe that's why it's easier for you to say that, but I could never call you something like that, Elijah. You're still my baby brother, I practically raised you. I could never hate you and I never will. I'll never let anything happen to you, I won't let your dad do the things he did to me. So, if that's what you think of me, an abomination, then you're allowed to think that. I won't try and change your mind. I'm more than just an abomination, Elijah.

I'm sure a lot of people wish I was dead, I wish I was dead. You know what happened earlier? Remember the portal our- your grandmother kept talking about? The portal only those who are worthy enough see? I saw it, and someone came out of it, a man, the god of war, I guess. He told me he's my dad, my real dad. Crazy right? Yeah, it's not. Crazier things have happened to me. Crazier things will happen to me, If my real dad is a god, it's not that surprising. The only question I have for him is why, why he left me on your parents door step when he probably knew they wouldn't love me like they love you, Elijah."

I almost scoffed at Elijah's shocked expression. I leaned back against the counter and stared at him blankly. He kept opening his mouth and closing it, he looked like a stupid fucking fish.

"You-" Just as he was about to speak he looked over my shoulder and paled. I frowned and turned around and froze.

There in all his glory stood Ares.

I backed away from him until I felt Elijah's extended hand on my back to stop me from backing into him. I stood in front of Elijah, getting ready to protect him with my entire body.

"I won't hurt him" He stated, but I didn't step away from Elijah. I hated the fact that I had actually started to believe Ares, about his identity, that he was the real Ares, not the dad part, god no.

"Okay, leave. Both of you I have to go and talk to my- Declan." I cursed internally at my stuttering, I was going to say my husband but I remembered Elijah was standing right behind me and was just going to say Declan but instead of either of those I said 'My Declan'.

Ares raised a brown but said nothing and vanished in a column of red smoke. I turned around and faced Elijah and inclined my head. He turned around and left without saying goodbye.

"My Declan? Really, Blake? Good job." I grumbled sarcastically to myself.

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