Chapter Sixteen

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chapter sixteen

"Get out." I wasn't wasting a fucking second, I wanted him out of my house.

No you don't.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

Your mate.

Following me home?

"okay, hold on, you let me in." Declan argued, I stared at him with a bewildered expression. I let him in not knowing who he was.

"Yeah, but I didn't know it was you, dumbass. Ace was in the middle of fucking shifting, I didn't have time to stay at the fucking door and greet you and tell you to fucking leave." Declan looked at me with a bored expression and I glared at him, of course he doesn't believe me.

"I literally opened the fucking door and then ran back to the kitchen, I didn't even spare you a fucking glance" I walked past him to the living room. I heard his footsteps behind me, why the fuck is he following me? Can't he stay the fuck away from me?

I put Ace on the couch and watched him curl his hand in a fist and then make motions at me with his hands. Declan cleared his throat as I was about to pick Ace up again, I whirled around to glare at him but almost fell back on Ace.

Declan had gotten so fucking close without me even noticing. I would've fell on Ace if Declan hadn't grabbed me. I mumbled a 'thanks' and then realised how close we were. His face was really close to mine, our lips were almost touching. I subconsciously leaned closer to him.

When I realised what I was doing and quickly pushed him away from me. "Dude! What the fuck was that for?" I rolled my eyes at him. He didn't get it. No one ever fucking does.

"You were too close" I simply said and he scoffed. I could practically feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head when I turned around.

"can we talk?"

"Depends what you want to talk about."

"About.. us?"

"there's nothing between us"

"Yes there is"

"Nope" I went back to the kitchen to get Ace some type of food, I could try to make that stupid baby formula thing. Declan followed me, of course, why am I even fucking surprised? I grabbed the baby formula and started making it. I had no fucking clue if I was making it right.

"you-- Blake, we're mates, we have to somehow make this relationship work. I researched werewolf mates and it said that you could die if we didn't try. So let's try, I don't want you to die."

Ah, of course, he didn't' want me to die, how sweet. He doesn't want me to die if it's his fault, if I died and it wasn't his fault, he wouldn't care.

No one would actually care if I did die. The only person that would is dead, and she has been for ten years. I haven't loved someone as much as I loved her. My grandmother was the only person who ever showed me love, she cared for me like how my mother was supposed to care for me.

After she died, my mom thought she had to start caring for me. She thought making me breakfast and playing with me would help. Nothing helped. I stopped talking for at least two years until I met Mallory. She was the one who got me to talk, but she doesn't love me like my grandmother did, at least.. she doesn't love me that way anymore.

Now she's only around me because I'm the packs alpha. She wants to make sure I won't lower her rank. Mallory doesn't care for me, my mother doesn't care for me, no one does. So why does Declan think I'll believe anything he says?

We're mates he says.

I don't want you to die he says.

I can feel a fucking I care for you starting to form in his mouth and it's pissing me off.

"You don't care about me; you never will. You just don't want another person's death on your hands, that's the only reason you don't want me to die."

Declan looked at me with a weird expression, was he pitying me? or what the fuck was he doing with his face?

"just leave, I don't want you here"


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