Chapter Twenty-Eight

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chapter twenty-eight

I stared at Declan and Ace from the window. Declan was getting sprayed by Ace holding a watering hose, I didn't even know I had a watering hose.

I had started looking for people that could make great parents to Ace, after 15 minutes I stopped. All of them were either too young or to old, or even crackheads. I didn't want to give him to someone else when I knew if I kept him then he would have an amazing childhood, better than mine.

Much better than mine.

"You look like a depressed fucking cloud, Blake" I tensed at the awfully familiar voice behind me. I took a deep breath before turning around and facing Elijah. I looked at him with a blank expression even though my eyes were surely expressing how I felt of him being here.

"What do you want Elijah?" I sighed and leaned against the windowsill, folding my arms over my chest. He seemed surprised at my question, usually I would've just cursed at him for entering my house uninvited but now I was too tired.

His eyes swept over me, taking in my form. My grey sweatpants were hanging loosely on my hips but were covered by my white t-shirt.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked. His question amused me and I laughed at him. He looked even more confused now than what he already had.

"What's wrong with me? You're asking me that even if you already know. Everything is wrong with me, Elijah. Don't waltz in here still believing you're my younger brother. You were the one that called me an abomination, and I remember that very clearly. You are not my younger brother and you never were, we were best friends nothing more but now all that is gone, and that's not my fault." I seethed tiredly.

When he didn't respond, I pointed at the door indicating I wanted him gone. He shook his head while taking a step closer.

"It's- dad, he-" I stared blankly, waiting for him to finish. Instead of finishing he took of his shirt and turned his back to me. I stood up straighter and approached him. I touched his scar-filled back and couldn't help but stare at it in horror.

"He did this?" I managed out, ignoring the raging fire that was building inside me. I touched another scar and growled lowly in my throat. I gently pushed Elijah out of my way and made my way out of the house.

I heard Elijah yell my name but I was too far gone already, I was seeing red and all I wanted to wrap my hands around Isaac's head until it popped off his body.

I felt my body start to shift when I started running, I let myself shift and ran straight towards Elijah's house.

I ran past other pack members and their houses, almost all of them looked at me with wide eyes. I passed Mallory's house and saw her and Zach sitting on her porch, they both perked up once they saw me run past.

The first thing I saw when I neared Elijah's house was Isaac's car, and me being the petty ass that I am decided to slash his tires before running up to the front door.

I ran straight through it not caring if some of the wood stuck to my fur. I stopped and turned around and ran to the living room and was not surprised to see Isaac standing there glaring at me.

It was like he knew I was coming.

I shifted back and was pleased to see Isaac take a step back from me. I towered over his pathetic form easily, I could see fear flash in his eyes but he quickly hid it.

"Did you really have to go so low? Whipping your own son? I get why you whipped me, and a part of me thinks I deserved it. But Elijah does not deserve getting whipped! You're whipping your own son! Who's an alpha and will become an alpha of a pack in the near future. You will never become an alpha, you're an omega. I've been alpha to this pack for 7 months, and yes, I admit I haven't done a lot but at least I make sure my pack is under control and happy. You did none of that, you were too busy punishing me! You payed more attention to me than your pack. That's not something an alpha does." I seethed.

I took a step closer to him and he took two back. I growled lowly in my throat when he stepped to the side getting behind a couch.

"He did deserve it, he went to see you even if I told him not to. He's my son and he has to obey me."

I had enough of him.

I went straight for him and jumped over the couch while he backed himself up against a wall. This man is, what, 57 and he's scared of me?


I went straight for his throat, wrapping my hands around it and squeezing. He clawed at my hands, obviously trying to somehow make me let go of him.

I gripped his neck tighter and shoved him to the ground. Not loosening my hands around his neck, I put my knee right against his chest.

I stared into his eyes and felt my eyes start to glow which made his eyes widen. He was still clawing at me, trying to get me off but suddenly he stopped. He was still alive, however.

I looked down at my hands and saw an eerie red glow radiating from them. Soon enough Isaac's eyes rolled back and his head exploded.

I squeezed my eyes shut when I felt blood splatter on my face. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at my hands, the red glow was there but it was slowly fading.

"That's..... morbid." I muttered to myself and looked down at my hands again, they were covered in his blood. 

I stood up slowly, checking my surrounding swiftly, making sure no one had seen my hands glow. When I made it outside and was walking home, I realised something.

The powers Isaac and Alice were trying to keep away, I was finally getting them.

Shit, I'd have to contact Ares somehow.


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