Chapter Twenty-One

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chapter twenty-one

"What the fuck is that?"

I whirled around at the voice that startled me. There stood my mother, in her usual tight, in my opinion a little slutty, red dress and high heels. I don't understand how she manages to walk around in those heels, considering the fact that all we have are dirt roads and grass surrounding us.

"What is what, mother?" I asked monotonously. My mother seemed like she wanted to argue against me because I called her mother and not mum. She hated when I called her that.

"That in your arms'" I looked down at my arms and frowned, I was holding a glass of milk in one hand and Ace was in my other, his head was resting against my shoulder as he slept peacefully. 

Well, that was until my mother showed up.

"A glass of milk?" I said and shook the glass of milk gently. She scowled at me and walked closer to me.

"That child, who's is it?" She demanded. Wow, she does not seem like the same old mother she was a few weeks ago. Maybe that son of a bitch Ares has something to do with it.

"Mine" I answered blankly and moved around her. I put the glass down on the black marble coffee table. I put Ace down on the couch and turned towards my so-called mother and crossed my arms over my chest.

"He's not yours." She stated. I blinked, what the fuck does she think I did? Impregnated some chick and stole the baby? Or just stole a goddamn baby?

I can tell why people would believe that but I wouldn't steal someone's goddamn fucking baby. I am a little sick but not that fucking sick.

"He is. He may not be mine by blood but since his, oh so lovely, mother abandoned him in the Silent Hill woods, I'm his legal guardian. I tried looking for his birth parents got nothing from it."

My mother still had the audacity to glare at me. I looked over my shoulder when I felt a tiny hand touch the back of my thigh to see Ace looking up at me with those adorable puppy eyes.

"I see you told Elijah." She said and I snapped my head towards her and glared at her. 

I told Elijah?


Sure, backstabbing son of a bitch.

"Oh, yeah, totally did. I didn't forget to leave out the fact that you're not my birth parent neither is dad and that my real dad is Ares. A god, which.. makes me a demigod" wow, I actually hadn't thought that much about it.

Her face paled. She looked to be in shock, I frowned and leaned a tiny bit closer to her to wave my hand in front of her face. She smacked it away and my eyes widened. 

She had never hit me or slapped me or did anything, she'd never even slapped my hand away.

She really isn't my mum. She glared at me and I flinched. I looked at her in horror when her eyes glowed and she shoved me back against the couch, I was able to catch myself before I fell on top of Ace. I looked back at him and nodded my head towards the door, I could see that he didn't want to leave me but still he left the room the fastest his little legs could take him.

I looked back at my mot-- the woman I once called mother and was not surprised to see her glaring at me. I moved away from the couch, if she did push me again I would land on the floor instead of on the couch, I didn't want to fucking break the couch with my fat ass.


"I am not your mother. I never wanted you, the only reason me and Isaac took you in was because of Ares. An offspring of the god himself? We couldn't not take you in. We knew you would grow up to be too powerful if we- if Isaac hadn't done the things he did to you then you would be too powerful." She spat. So it was my fault that I was handed to them?

"You say that as if me landing on your goddamn doorstep was my fucking choice. It wasn't, remember? I was like.. four years old for fucks sake. And the beatings? I never deserved them! I was a child! I was, for Christs sake, five! A five year old does not deserve to get beaten up!" I said, my voice louder than what it had been before.

She glared at me for a while before rising her hand and slapping me. I stumbled back from the hit. 

Christ, that hurt. 

I touched my cheek with my hand and felt something wet, I took my hand away from my face and saw small droplets of blood on my hand.

She scratched me.

How much more of a pussy can she get?

Before I could say anything to her, she shoved me back, again and again and again until I fell. She drew her hand back and I saw her nails turn into claws and before I could cover my face with my arms she scratched me. I cried out in pain by the searing hot pain I felt in my face.

"Get off me!" I shouted when she got on top of me and started hitting me over and over again. I would've hit her, only if I hadn't known her my entire life. She'd been my mother, the mother I loved more than the entire fucking world. 

And just like that she was gone.

I saw a column of red smoke appear out of the corner of my eye and knew who had showed up. Hands gripped my mother's shoulders and threw her off of me.

I sat up and looked down at the blood that was dripping from my face to the floor. I knew it would leave a scar, the cuts were deep, and were healing slowly.

"Are you okay?" A distressed looking Ares kneeled down beside me. I blinked, isn't he supposed to be the god of war? 

Angry, savage, bloodthirsty? 

What the fuck is this?

Did he have a session with Dr Phil? 

"Yeah, I'm okay."

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