Chapter Nine

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chapter nine

Being in school and walking around the halls felt more... nicer. Everyone avoided me now, more than usual at least. Some were looking at me like they wanted to eat me, not literally, in a sexual way.

I hadn't even noticed the bell ringing, I was too deep in my thoughts.

I could really go for a doughnut right now.

Yeah, I was thinking about doughnuts. So what? I haven't eaten them in ages. Sue me for having a fucking sweet-tooth.

"Blake Ares Villin!" There it was, the most annoying voice I had ever heard, my principal, specifically; principal Carter. He had the normal principal look, or was it even fucking normal for a principal to look like a fucking gang member? probably not.

"yeess?" I drawled, batting my eyelashes at him innocently. He saw right through me every goddamn time. Not my fault this school chose a fucking Faerie as the principal, I didn't have anything against Faeries but he just managed to get on my nerves.

Faeries were supposed to be one with nature,loving, kind and all that bullshit the old books of the supernatural world said about Faeries.

But Carter? Nope, he was the opposite of that. He was more like a... vampire than a Faerie.

"Why are you not in class?" he asked, god his voice was as annoying as his stupid face. I closed my eyes for a second before opening them again and looking at him dead in the eye.

"oh? I'm- Oh I'm so sorry! I was just leaning against my locker doing absolutely nothing and waiting to get caught! I'm incredibly sorry sir!" I smirked when I saw his jaw tick, he hated when students called him sir.

Don't get why though.

"Is it true what they say about Faeries though?" I asked and he frowned.


"About the fact that you guys are into BDSM? and all male Faeries are doms and all female Faeries are subs? It's true isn't it? You're a dom aren't you?" He clenched his fists. Ha! I finally figured it out! That's why he hates being called sir! His subs call him that-- or master-- he feels uncomfortable! Wow I'm a fucking genius.

"Alright Blake, if you're going to play like that instead of actually go to class then... sorry not sorry you're getting detention. Not just once either, for the entire week, oh and you'll also be cleaning every classroom in this building while in detention." I could practically feel my jaw hit the floor.

What? I'm supposed to do what now?

"You fucker!" I said as I tried lunging at him but I wasn't moving. Oh, yeah. Forgot about the fact that Faerie's were a part of nature and had magic. Is he really using his magic to make me unable to move?


That bitch.

"Let me go.." I grumbled and glared at him, he looked at me with a scowl before it turned into a mischievous grin.

The fuck?

One second I was standing in front of him, unable to move and the next I was on the opposite side, on the floor and in pain.

"Think before trying to attack me, boy" He said smugly while walking past me, probably to his office to fuck some poor soul.

Boy? I was like, what? 5 years younger than him?

I gasped when I tried to roll onto my back, my back hurt like I had just played volleyball and fell on my fucking back. And I've never even played volleyball.

"Shit" I whispered when I heard footsteps round the corner. I brought my hand up to touch my forehead, it was wet, really wet. My eyes widened slightly when I saw my hand covered in a crimson colour.


I was bleeding.

Why in the hell was I bleeding?

"Blake?" Great, just my luck. Obviously someone found me. I can't move but I have to, I don't want that stupid person to think I can't handle some shit like this even if I can't.

What? A literal Faerie did this to me, it could take weeks to fucking heal, probably won't take more than a few hours though. God, I hate Faerie magic.

I sat up, ignoring the pain in my back. "Blake?" Ah, I can sense someone's getting inpatient by my silence. Should I care?


Why would I? I'm Blake fucking Villin, I answer to no one.

I placed my hand on the locker beside me and pulled myself up. I almost laughed when I saw the intend my hand made. I wiped my forehead with my sleeve and wasn't surprised to see that it was now covered in blood.

"how the fuck can I bleed this much?" I muttered and only now looked up. My eyes widened slightly when I saw the person who had been calling my name.


Before I could say anything to him, the world started to spin and I stumbled back against the lockers. Declan ran over and grabbed my shoulder to help me lean on the locker more. It wasn't helping, it was making everything hurt more.

"let... go... fucker" I grumbled and glared at him. I was mad, not at him, or I was but not only at him, I was mad at myself for letting that stupid Faerie do this to me.

"Hey, why the fuck are you losing so much blood? Shouldn't it have healed already?" Declan asked while he lifted his hand and was about to touch me when I swatted his hand away.

I growled low in my throat and he backed up and he held his hands above his head in surrender. He knew I didn't want his help, so he could just fuck off.

"You don't look so good dude" He pointed out. I pushed myself off the lockers and looked at him.

Oh, I didn't fucking notice, dude.

"wow, I--" My vision blurred and I shook my head, aaand that made it worse, great job me.

I took a step closer to Declan and was about to finish my sentence but my vision blurred once more and I could feel myself falling. I heard myself say one thing to him before I blacked out.

"Catch me, asshole"

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