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Y/N pov:
Y/N: "WOO HOO I FEEL SO POWERFUL! Back to me again!"
Ira: "You can't do this again!"
Regina: "IRA! Try using that memory thing again-"
Maya: "What do you mean?!"
Bel: "If she's like this I have no control! Lemme check.. GLITTER JOKER ATTACK!"
Y/N: "Your annoying. Leave."
I threw a card at him and he was so injured that he teleported away.
Y/N: "Right who's next?"
Natalie: "STOP THIS!"
Y/N: "I'm not doing this again."
Ira then flew up to me and grabbed my arm in the same way he did before.
Ira: "G-guys it's not working!"
Mackenzie: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?"
Ira: "She's too upset..."
Y/N: "Get off me you overgrown smurf."
I pushed him and he went zooming to the ground. I suddenly felt bad and my heart started to thump REALLY LOUDLY!
Y/N: "A-any last words?"
Ira: "You know..Yeah in fact I have a story..."
Clara: "Oh Ira be careful!"
Y/N: "Storytime? What am I 5?"
Regina: "Just Listen."
She pulled me down and we were beside Ira.. The rest of the girls sat around him too. I clenches my heart because seeing him like this made me cry.
Maya: "It's okay Y/N.. Just let it out.."
Ira: "One time.. t-there was a g-girl and she had some very c-close friends.."
All: "....."
Ira: "And one day.. she thought she was useless..."
He's talking about... me?
Ira: "Then she hurt her friends but only out of sadness.. and she returned back to normal because all of her friends love and care for her..."
Regina wrapped her arms around me.
Y/N: "I-I'm sorry but I can't help you.."
Rachel: "Come on Y/N just.. try.."
I put my hand near his heart and so did Dina. He started to glow a bit. Then he sat up and smiled at me. I then realised that I was in my normal form..
Y/N: "I'm sorry everyone! Please forgive me!"
Regina: "We forgive you now stop crying!"
Natalie: "I have an idea! Why don't we go to Johnnys to try and figure out this Glitter Joker situation?"
Clara: "Great idea!" Clara clapped her hands together and smiled.
Y/N: "But what if he says it can't be fixed..? I'll hurt you my friends again!"
Mackenzie: "Don't worry Y/N! We can fix this."
Maya: "Lets start heading there now!"

We were walking to Johnnys shop and me and Ira were walking behind the group. They all seemed so happy. I think Regina and Ira noticed because they stopped talking and walked closer to me.
Regina: "Hey.. You know these are your friends just as much as they are ours.."
Ira: "You look sad.."
Y/N: "Just a but scared I guess.. this is all so new to me.. I mean before I was a normal girl with a basic life and next thing you know BOOM-"
Rachel: "WHAT WAS THAT?!"
Y/N: "Sorry that was just me heh.."
They all laughed and continued on with their conversations and me, Regina and Ira continued ours.
Y/N: "As I was saying.. Next thing you know I'm part of a group of girls who defend the world from evil!"
Regina: "It is a lot to take in but.. Think of it this way, you got a great friendship group now."
Ira: "And we couldn't be happier."
He slowly held my hand and I blushed.. This boy.. Regina then did the same and I knew this was where I belong.

Once we got to Johnnys shop the girls walked in first and we all said hello and he back. Regina took hold of Dina and yet again Johnny bowed down to me.
Y/N: "Ya know you don't have to bow to me..."
Johnny: "Sorry it's just your pretty much ROYALTY!"
Y/N: "R-royalty..?"
Johnny: "Why do you think you're called Glitter Queen?"
Y/N: "Deck of cards I guess..?"
Johnny: "Well I'm guessing you all came here for answers about the Glitter Queen and Glitter Joker stuff?"
Natalie: "Yep that's right! It happens during the worse times also even though she saved us from Bel.."
Johnny:'"Come and sit down you two."
Y/N: "What?!"
Clara: "You two are holding hands..."
Ira: "O-oh m-my Bad heh.."
We let go both blushing madly. I couldn't help but notice Rachel look a bit mad. I knew that Rachel had helped him with amnesia and they got slightly closer.. But I don't really care... I think?
We sat around on the couches, Ira and Johnny stood up. Well Ira floating cross legged.
Johnny: "Well if I'm honest I'm not completely sure.. She sure is special since there is a sixth. But I don't really see a problem since it doesn't take that long to transform back.."
Regina: "Yes but she's WAY MORE powerful then Glitter Queen even if she's powerful too!"
Johnny: "Well when do these transformations happen?"
Mackenzie: "I think they've happened about 2 or 3 times now.."
Johnny: "What kind of situation are you in?"
Maya: "Well now that I think about it.. It's either when she's hurt or angry..?"
Johnny: "Well that explains a lot!"
All: "It does?!"
Johnny: "Yep! Just try to control your emotions. If you get to mad or too upset you turn into Glitter Joker."
Y/N:'"Do you think it could happen when I'm NOT transformed..?"
Ira: "I hope not..."
Johnny: "Well there isn't any evidence yet but I doubt it..."
Regina:'"I'm a bit worried.. I hope we find out how to fix this!"
Rachel: "mhm.."
Rachel has been a bit quiet lately and I can't help but think she's..jealous? Why would she be jealous.. unless.. She likes Ira?! I should talk to Regina because I kinda like Ira.. I'll never admit to it of course but he's been so kind to me even when I hurt him... I don't wanna seem possessive or obsessed with him.. UGH THIS IS SO DIFFICULT! I looked up from thinking to see Ira an Rachel look at each other. Rachel blushed but I think Ira brushed it off. I felt anger raise inside me but I remembered what Johnny said:
"Just try to control your emotions. If you get too mad or too upset you turn into Glitter Joker."
Glitter Queen... or... Glitter Joker...

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