When you lose somebody

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Y/n pov:
HA! You should've seen the look on their faces! So heartbroken and ugh. Honestly, so pathetic. My plan was basically to take Splendorius away AGAIN since it obviously means a lot to Regina, Natalie, Mackenzie and Johnny. But Johnny seemed nice... I don't actually want to hurt him... I feel
like I have a somewhat connection with him. Strange. But I have to do it! I must win!
Cassie: "That was like super cool!"
Effy: "Yeah! Have you always been able to teleport like that?"
Y/n: "No, only recently. Actually, it's getting late so you should get home and I'll come back tomorrow for you too?"
Cassie: "Oh sure..."
Effy: "Where are you gonna sleep?"
Y/n: "Oh it's fine I'll make do with what I have..."
Effy: "Oh okay bye!"
Cassie: "Goodnight!"
Y/n: "Night..."
After they left, I started to feel really lonely. Out of place. It couldn't be because of those Glitter brats. I.. hated them definitely. But, my family. What will I do without them, if I can't save them? Maybe...Incase I don't make it out alive, I should at least text or something... But.. Why did Cassie and Effy leave me? I feel so stupid because now I'm all alone.. Do they hate me? Yeah probably. They were just waiting for a chance to ditch me.. I walked away in the opposite direction of Cassie and Effy and left sadness consume me for a while...

Johnnys pov:
It was exactly 6pm when I was grabbing a couple more things from the shop to bring to Splendorius. When I got the rest of my stuff in a box, Ira, Regina, Maya, Clara, Mackenzie, Natalie, Austin and Y/n's parents came running in!
Maya: "JOHNNY!!!"
Johnny: "Uh woah! Yes?! Why are all of you here?!"
Regina: "It's Y/n! She's gone missing!"
No no no. What did they do now?!
Johnny: "What do you mean she's gone missing?!"
Ira: "After she left with Cassie and Effy in last period, she hasn't be anywhere to be seen!"
Johnny: "Okay first of all, WHO'S CASSIE AND EFFY?! Why did you let her leave school when it wasn't over?! Have you even asked Cassie and Effy where they are?!"
Natalie: "They won't tell us anything!"
Austin: "I knew they were bad friends! If they truly cared for Y/n she would be here!"
Clara: "Our parents and guardians are already out looking for her..."
Me: "Well then we have no time to waste!"
We all ran out the shop and divided into groups. Maya was grouped with Ira and the girls while me, Austin and Y/n's parents were together. I hope we find Y/n in time before she harms herself.. or anyone else for that matter. I'll do it.. For my love...

Reginas pov:
Me: "Y/N!!!"
Mackenzie: "Shhh! Regina you can't shout it's getting late!"
Me: "What?! How else are we gonna find her?!"
Ira: "Well she's not gonna answer if you yell her name..."
Me: "Hmmm..."
We continued to search for her until we came across the pier.. Where we first met Y/n...
Clara: "D-do you think that she'll be here Regina?"
Me: "It seems likely.. But I don't see her anywhere.."
Maya: "She's sure to turn up!"
I heard crying. Or weeping for that matter. Everyone else was talking about where she could be while I slowly walked towards the sound. They realised me walking and followed me under a tree. The sound wasn't on the ground that was for sure.. But up.
All: *gasp*
It was Y/n! She was sat on a streetlight with her phone in her hand.. She was crying like mad. Ira was about to call our to her when I silenced him and they all gave me a confused look.
Me: "Shh. Just listen..."
Bel then appeared next to her and sat hovering.
Y/n: "What do you want?"
Bel: "Want some advice?"
Y/n: "Marmo gives better advice then you.."
Bel: "Well you haven't heard mine yet so just listen.."
Y/n: "okay.."
Bel: "In the end when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be."
Y/n looked at him and started to cry. He rubbed her back gently.
Bel: "You'll know what to do..."
He teleported away and the girls looked guilty. Y/n pulled out her phone and weeped more.

Y/n: "H-hi Regina... I-I Just feel so alone right now and I don't know if you care or not.. I don't know why everybody hates me so much... Even thought you probably hate me.."
Suddenly Dina went flying over to Y/n before I could shout anything. We tried to pull her back but she was fast.
Y/n: "Huh?! Oh Dina it's just you.."
Dina: "Why sad?"
She wiped her tears.
Y/n: "Because I feel alone. I've ruined everything. But I-it's fine. When I destroy everything it'll only be me, and no one can hurt me anymore."
Dina: "Why?"
Y/n: "You wanna hear my great plan' Dina? I trust you.. Along with Johnny."
Johnny?! Why him?! What?! I'm so confused right now..."
Y/n: "So, I thought that since those girls and.. Ira have brought me so much pain, it's only fair that they get their share of it too. First we take Splendorius down once again. That way Natalie, Mackenzie and.. Regina will be down. Maya's pretty simple since she cares about everything so much so we separate her from her team and take away her charm."
Dina: "We?"
Y/n: "Yes, we. And Clara has a lot of weaknesses sooo she's going to have her charm taken as well then she's useless!"
I saw the girls clutch their glitter charms close to them in fear of them being taken.
Y/n: "Mackenzies sorted and Natalie, uh me and Rachel have unfinished business yada yada.. And Ira."
Uh oh.
Y/n: "I should just end him altogether! How dare he cheat on me! Especially when things were going so well. Whatever he's a Mercenare so he's used to messing things up...And you can come with me if ya want Dina..."
I felt a cold breeze rush past me and when I looked, I saw Ira running up to Y/n!
Ira: "Y/N!! STOP!"
Y/n: "Huh? Oh you."
Y/n held Dina tightly as the rest of us stepped out from under the tree as well as stood by Ira. I wasnt exactly sure what we were doing but I guess it would work.
Ira: "Y/n please! This isn't fair! I still love you and didn't want to cheat on you! It was by force!"
Y/n: "Nothing's fair when it comes to YOU!"
Me: "I-I heard your message to me..."
Y/n: "Lucky you..."
Ira: "I'll always love you Y/n! I'll love you till the day we die..."
I saw Y/n's eyes do that colour changing thing again. It was working but she was fighting it. She suddenly looked really mad.
Maya: "NO!"
Y/n turned around away from us and drew a circle with her finger large enough for her to jump through. A portal then appeared and I could see.. Splendorius... She jumped in without hesitation and Dina still in her arms.

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