Who am I?

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Iras pov:
I watched as Y/N walked off into the crowd of 'fanboys' with her new friends.
Mackenzie: "T-that's something you don't see everyday..."
Regina: "She has a lot of admirers..."
Maya: "It's been like that for as long as I could remember.. Boys have always found her the most attractive so I'm not surprised that-"
Regina kicked her foot before she could finish. They all looked at me with sympathy.
Maya: "Sorry..."
Me: "It's fine. Maybe I can still get through to her.."
Mackenzie: "How exactly?"
Me: "Well... She looked.. Emotionless like she didn't even care about the trail of boys bowing at her feet."
Regina: "She Looks occupied, you know with Effy and Cassie.."
Me: "Oh right..."
Maya: "Have faith Ira! She's in 2 of our classes today! One before lunch and last period!"
Mackenzie: "Plus you have break and a Lunch to try and talk to her."
Me: "I-"
Regina: "Come on Ira..."
The crowd of boys disappeared as the rest of the students went into the school and in the hallway. I saw some of them put away their phones because they were talking pictures and were probably going to post it everywhere. But.. I trust Cassie and Effy. They were really friendly when I first joined the school (well mainly Cassie, Effy barely spoke). I hope they treat her right...

The bell went off for next period which was with Y/N. She's been clearly ignoring us all day. I could see her eyes going more dull every time I see her. I saw Cassie and Effy noticed it but Y/N only brushed it off. Somethings not right...

Me, Mackenzie, Maya and Regina walked into class as a nervous wreck. What would Y/N do? Would she turn into Glitter Joker infront of EVERYONE?! I guess it's a risk but I need to speak to her. We all sat down in our seats and waited until we had time to talk.
Cassie: "Hello everyone! How are you today?"
Class: "Good!"
Her usual introduction that she does every lesson. She's just a kind person so I'm not really surprised.
Boy 1: "Y/N! Are you busy today!?"
Y/N: "Uhmmm.."
Effy: "Don't speak to her like that. If you want to talk to her come up to her face."
His friends all laughed at him as he looked embarrassed. She's not a toy! I was so mad I wanted to strangle him!
Regina then leaned over and whispered to me.
Regina: "Hey it's okay. Don't lose your temper..."
Great. Okay. For Regina...
Austin: "Hey Y/N..."
Y/N: "hi..."
Me, the girls, and Austin noticed Y/N being weird. What was weirder was that Austin was here since he's 2 years older!
Austin: "What's that behind your back...?"
Y/N: "n-nothing."
Austin: "No! What is that!?"
He turnt her around and pulled out a... it hurts to say this but a bottle.
The whole class had turnt towards them to witness what was happening at the front of the class. Maya stood up in shock but Mackenzie pulled her back down not taking her eyes off the bottle.
Where's the teacher when you need one?
Y/N: "it's not mine.
Cassie: "Austin, chill out. It's mine and Effys. We have PE next and didn't want to bring it into the changing rooms..."
If you didn't know Effy was known for having the biggest parties of the schools and Cassie was usually the LIFE of the party. I've never personally been to one but I've seen their stories and how drunk they still are the next day.
Effy: "Stop yelling at her."
Austin: "You know what? I'm telling mom and dad."
Y/N: "lovely..."
Austin walked out angrily. I don't think he could've cared less that he was late for class. After he walked out Cassie, Effy and Y/N went to their seats. They didn't have their bottle anymore since Austin took it with him and put it in his bag. The teacher walked in after about 2 minutes. Finally. I hope Y/N doesn't lash out on me or something. Speaking of Y/N, she looked guilty. I knew that it was because of her brother.
Y/N: "m-miss, can i go to the bathroom?"
Teacher: "Of course!"
She left the room. Something didn't feel right. It's not like I could go check on her though. I was about to ask one of the girls to go check on her until I smelt... smoke? But smoke from a fire!
Cassie: "Miss! I think there's a fire!"
Regina: "AM I GONNA DIE?!"
Teacher: "Everyone please evacuate the building calmly! Stay calm!"
Do teachers really believe that'll work? Everyone was still screaming as they ran out the door. The rest of the school evacuated not far behind us. I could see Effy helping the teacher with the register and Jun making sure that everyone had gotten their belongings. But wait... Somethings missing.
Austin: "Y/N!!??"
Oh no. Shes still in the building!! Regina started to break down crying with Maya and Mackenzie comforting her. I tired flying up to the girls bathroom window but I couldn't! But then I remembered; my magic is made from dark energy, and I've changed. But Y/N!!
We saw a piece of glass drop. Then a hand. Then.. Y/N!! She was stuck in the girls bathroom and looked like she was being burnt alive! She was coughing like crazy. But before she could get reached but the firemen she fell back from the amount of smoke clogging her lungs.
Austin: "no. No. NO! Y/N!!"
I started to cry as well. I felt so useless! My girlfriend or ex girlfriend whatever she calls me is about to literally die! When all hope seemed lost with tears everywhere, there was a bright light. A bright white light like the one from Reginas spear. I dried my tears as I saw Y/N float down on a... CLOUD?! Omg I think I'm going crazy. Where did that come from? Everyone immediately ran over to her and started to cry even more. Y/N woke up from the sudden sound and the fire literally disappeared.
Fireman: "How-"
Teacher: "That's impossible!"
Regina: "magic..."
Maya: "What was that Regina?"
Regina: "That was magic..."
Mackenzie: "But she's a warrior of course she has magic!"
Me: "No... That's the kind of magic someone from the Royale family has..."
Maya: "You don't mean..."
Regina: "Yes... Could Y/N be part of the family...?"

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