Not the same

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Reginas pov:
no. NO NO NO! Y/N HAS BEEN HYPNOTISED! And her eyes.. They changed to a dark and gloomy red colour that Maya explained to me. The same I had when King Mercenare put that spell on me. But how did it work with Y/N? She's more powerful then all of us combined AND had full control over herself. So how? I looked behind me and saw Mackenzie and Maya slowly packing up their things. I was about to do the same until Ira stood up and started to violently shake Y/N!
Y/N: "Get off me!"
She pushed him and he landed at the foot of my desk. I helped him up trying not to hurt him even more. Y/N gave us an evil grin before turning to Effy and Cassie.
Y/N: "C'mon girls we're leaving now."
Teacher: "Oh okay..."
Boy: "MISS! I wanna leave too!"
Teacher: "Sit down! The girls will be back shortly."
Cassie and Effy stood up with their stuff while Y/N grabbed her bag. They weren't actually going to leave-
Effy: "Later losers."
Oh. They did.

Y/N pov:
Me, Effy and Cassie walked out of the class with all eyes on us. I was surprised the teacher let us out so easily...
Cassie: "A-are you sure we should've just left like that? Like I know your mad and everything but c'mon-"
Y/N: "Please stop taking."
Effy: "Chill out, we're just leaving early and the teacher said we could.
Cassie: "I guess..."
When we walked past Austin's class he stood up immediately and jogged over to us.
Austin: "Uhm where do you think you three are going? You can't just walk around while it's lessons!"
Y/N: "Then what are you doing out here?"
Austin: "W-well I-"
Y/N: "Lets go."
I held both of their hands and walked out of the school. I needed a plan. One that will break my enemies hearts. Lower their 'dOkIdOkI'. Hmmm.

Cassie: "Whats on your mind Y/N?"
Y/N: "I'm thinking of ways to get revenge on you know who.."
Effy: "You all have equal power though... So how do you plan on getting revenge?"
Y/N: "Well for one thing, I'm more powerful since I have two forms. One stronger than the other."
Cassie: "Wow! So you're like SUPER powerful. Cool!"
Effy: "Will your plan or r-revenge hurt us or our families?"
Y/N: "Depends. I know Cassie only had a mother and father, and Effy only has a mother and grandfather. I guess I could keep them safe because you two are... Special."
Cassie: "Hey Ef! We're special~."
Effy: "Oh quit it."
Y/N: "You guys aren't helping with a plan you know that right?"
Effy: "How about you take what's important away from them? Like what their weakness."
I stopped walking in my tracks and turnt around.
Cassie: "If you took away what's most important, they would be too upset too continue!"
I hugged and thanked them. Finally I have people around me with common sense! These two are definitely going to be sticking around. But wait. What are their weaknesses? I know their power moves, group moves and that's just about it. They lost a friend.. Shouldn't that be enough?! No. What I need to do is something that will tear each of them to shreads.. One by one...
Y/N: "Girls, I have a plan..."

Iras pov:
As soon as the bell went to let us out of school, me and the girls ran as fast as we could outside. We got to the gate and saw Clara and Natalie getting out of Sebastians car.
Clara: "We have bad news.."
Regina: "Oh no what is it?!"
Natalie: "We saw Y/N and two other girls standing on top of Clover Tower! But not inside, on the outside of the glass!"
Maya: "WHAT?! What were they doing up there?!"
Me: "W-we have to make sure they're okay!"
Mackenzie: "No! Wait Ira!"
I didn't listen. I ran and ran until I saw the three girls walk into downtown. Regina and the others caught up to me.
Natalie: "Girls?"
All: "Yeah!"
They transformed and everyone was looking at us. And I mean everyone. Like these people are obsessed...

Cassie: "Pssst, Y/n..."
Y/n: "Hm? Oh wow! Look who's decided to show up!"
I stepped forward and grabbed her arm.
Me: "Y/n please-"
Y/n: "Don't you 'y/N pLeAsE' me! I hate you all so I don't know why you followed me here! We're done! OVER! What can't you understand?!"
She really felt that way... She really did hate us. Deep down.
Effy: "She's really mad Cas..."
Cassie: "Maybe we should go heh.."
Y/n: "No. You two stay."
Ace: "They aren't your slaves ya know!"
Y/n: "Oh shut up! I never liked you anyway!"
Ace looked hurt and stepped back. Y/n didn't have to be so mean! But-
Y/n: "I'm not being mean, I just said my opinion."
She read my mind? What? I thought that only Mercenares could do that... But then...
Y/n: "No. I'm not a Mercenare. I just allow myself to be more powerful than you fools!"
Effy: "Oh shes good."
She had a dark aura surrounding her and we all stepped back in fear except Cassie and Effy who were casually looking at their phones.
Regina: "Then what exactly is your p-plan...?"
Y/n: "Take everything you care about away from you. One by one.
Natalie: "But you've already decided that we aren't friends anymore! Isn't that enough?!"
Y/n: "You REALLY wanna know Miss Bossy?!"
Effy: "Tell em Y/n!"
Cassie: "Y-yeah you go girl!"
Y/n: "Heh.. Well it's nothing special.. But first, I plan on destroying Splendorius once again!"
And with that she teleported away with Cassie and Effy.

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