Date night pt2

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Y/N pov:
Me and Regina were sitting in the car while Sebastian drove.
Y/N: "Ya know we could've just walked-"
Regina: "OO lookie we're here! Thanks Sebastian!"
Sebastian: "Your welcome Miss Regina."

We got out of the car and I was shocked! The pigtail has been fully decorated! There were rose petals on the ground and candles lighting the path into the restaurant. As I got a proper look I saw Natalie at the door.
Natalie: "Good evening ladies!"
Regina: "Good evening!"
Y/N: "G-good evening...?"
Natalie: "Just this way please.."
She wrapped her arm around mine and Reginas and I was speechless!
Y/N: "Y-you guys really outdid yourselfs!"
Regina: "Special orders!"
What? Special orders?
I looked around and saw Maya with a fake moustache behind the kitchen bar. In the corner of my eye I saw purple, and it was Mackenzie on a stage! Then Clara was stood near a table with two long candles in the middle of it.
Clara, Maya and Mackenzie: "Good evening Miss!"
Y/N: "Y-you guys...!"
Regina: "Hey! No crying!"
Natalie: "We're glad you like it!"
I noticed someone was missing who WASN'T Ira...
Y/N: "Hey, wheres Rachel?"
They all looked at each other uneasy. Did I say something wrong? I just asked where she was since.. ya know they do like EVERYTHING together..
Maya: "She uhm, she- couldn't make it!"
Mackenzie: "Yep! Ya know family stuff hehehehheh.."
Clara: "W-why don't you take a seat?"
Y/N: "Oh-ok..."
I took a seat and this may sound stupid, but the seats were SOOO soft! Have they always been this comfy?
Regina: "You can come out now!"
I looked up from my seat and saw an angel- Ira.. He smiled sweetly before sitting down.
Ira: "D-do you like it?"
Y/N: "Like it?! You did all of this?!"
Ira: "Well not without the help..."
He smiled at the girls and they smiled back. I was glad he was getting along with them since they had a difficult past.
Mackenzie: "Well I have a song to sing made just for you two lovebirds!"
Me and Ira blushed like crazy! The song she sang was beautiful, and I'll never forget it...
Natalie: "MENU PLEASE!"
I did not expect to see what I saw next.. It was my brother!
Y/N: "B/N?! What are you doing here?"
B/N: "Well I knew my sister didn't reject another boy, so I had to help- Oh wait.. Here's your menu before Natalie gets mad at me.. she's scary.."
Clara: "Well.."
We all laughed and the lights turnt off.
Y/N: "Is there a problem-"
The lights were still off but some other lights came on. I looked towards the ceiling and saw LED lights on white. Everyone disappeared except Ira. I knew what they were doing.
Y/N: "Ira.. This is really beautiful.."
He took hold of my hand
Ira: "If your happy, I'm happy..."
The date went on perfect! He complemented my outfit, my hair and how happy he was that I came. He had heard about how popular I was with the guys at school and admitted that he was shocked I said yes to go on a date with him. We had ordered spaghetti for the main course and ice cream for dessert.
Y/N: "This date was perfect thank you-"
???: "come outside..."
Y/N: "Huh? Who's there?"
???: "come outside..."
Ira: "Are you okay Y/N...?"
Y/N: "I- One second I'll be back.. Call the girls just in case..."
Ira: "If it's anything dangerous I can come-"
Y/N: "No."
Ira immediately understanding that I was doing this alone, stood up from his seat and went to the kitchen where the girls were.
Y/N: "W-whos there..?"
???: "How are you feeling?"
Y/N: "W-what..? Come out!"
???: "Do you ever feel like your friends use you for your power?"
My power? T-they know about the Glitter Force...
Y/N: "N-no.. but who's there?! Show yourself!"
???: "Do you ever think of destroying them with the touch of your hand?"
Y/N: "W-why would I do that..?"
???: "Because they're useless. They use you and only pity you!"
Y/N: "This isn't funny.. Come out!"
I was shocked to what met my eyes. It was Marmo. I thought we had a sort of connection since I haven't seen her since the hospital...
Y/N: "GIR!-"
I was cut off by a hand covering my mouth.
Marmo: "Now listen. No need to yell. I was just asking a question. Do you ever feel like killing them off? They've cause you so much pain! They've ruined your school life and they never let you speak for yourself. Like Regina, when was the last time she let you have your own opinion? Or Ira, when he's trying to make you happy but deep down you know he just feels guilty for leaving you all these years and now wants to make himself feel better by pitying you."
I could feel her gaze staring into my soul, almost hypnotising... I felt the hand loosen as I guessed it was probably Bel.
She- She's right...
I felt someone kick off the person behind me making me free. I looked behind me to see the girls transformed and no where near happy.
Marmo: "Well I'm sorry! I wanted to help the poor child! You and your illusions of happiness makes me sick!"
Then a battle broke out between Marmo, Bel, The girls and Ira, who were putting their all into it. By  now it was probably around 9:00pm, so no one was out to witness.
Regina: "Come on Y/N.. Let's get around here away from the fight..."
I just nodded in agreement as I thought about what Marmo said. Was she really right about the girls? Has Regina ever really let me speak my mind without her changing my decision? Does Ira really just feel guilty and want to make up for what he's done? I was broken out of my chain of thought as Regina spoke to me with a soft tone.
Regina: "Y-you don't really believe what Marmo said back there do you? We heard everything..."
I was a bit uncomfortable knowing everyone heard the conversation but it was me who told Ira to get them. Afraid of being judged to about almost falling into Marmos obvious trap I just shook my head.
Regina: "If you DO ever feel that way, just tell someone.. We won't judge you."
What do I do?

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