Truthful lies (part 1)

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Y/n pov
Deactivate. Deactivate. Deactivate. UGH! I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING! HOW DOES SOMEONE SHUT OFF A BOMB?! Maybe... Clover Tower! Yeah! Up there is probably where the bomb would set off. I took a moment to look at myself and saw that I was in my normal clothes. No help being like this. I transformed said my catchphrase blah blah blah. Okay so the plan is:
•Find a way to deactivate the bomb.
•Find the Regina, Ira and the others.
•Find Bel and Marmo.
•Find Cassie and Effy.
•Find Johnny.
Woah. I have to much things and people to look for... HOW WILL I DO IT?! Alright let's jump up to clover tower and find something up there.

Okay... Anything weird? Anything out of the ordinary? No. Hmmmm... If I were someone who would plant a random bomb somewhere on earth it would- Wait. If someone in Splendorius put this bomb on Earth, they obviously know their way around right? Or, they know someone can reach up here.... Like me and the girls. But who? It definitely isn't Marmo or Bel. Probably not Ira or Regina... Johnny? He hasn't got enough in him to put a bomb anywhere... Wait that button! When I had the bomb device, it had a symbol on it. It was a crown, one side red, one black. And I can see one right there! Out in the open... Whatever it's a start...

Okay just click it. Click it. Doesn't matter if you blow up or anything am I right?


Well nothings happened- I look up and see what seems to be some sort of remote? It has numbers on it 1-100. A letter fell from the sky and it said:

You chosen one must find the correct number to set off both Earths bomb and Splendorius'. There is no time limit except your life.

Except my life?! What?! WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN?! My life has a time limit? No duh. And it said I'm the chosen one... Chosen for what though? Hmmm. Anyway I think that it has something to do with these buttons. Let's press 14! That's everyone's current age soo.


I was flown back at a rapid rate down all the way near the beach! You're telling me that every button I press will set off its own bomb?! I can't anymore- Well I'm gonna be here for a while so let's get started! This Glitter Queen outfit better be worth it. Let's do this.

Iras pov:
Me and Dina had teleported to Splendorius without Y/n. I hope she's safe and no one tries to hurt her. If they did I would be so mad! Anyway, I saw Maya and the others with... Rachel. She better not be evil still. Even though she's talking to them I can still sense a bad aura around her. I was about to say something until I felt a pair of arms around me.
Regina: "IRA! YOU'RE OKAY!!"
Me: "Uhm yeah... What's wrong?"
Mackenzie walked over.
Mackenzie: "Well Y/n took you and we couldn't do anything!"
Natalie: "I thought that you were done for!"
Jeez thanks for that.
Maya: "Anyway, where's Y/n?"
They all looked at me including Rachel.
Dina gave me a sad look.
Me: "Sh-she teleported to Earth to try and find a way to deactivate the bomb..."
All: "SHE WHAT?!"
There was a moment of silence. Rachel stood up from away from Natalie and Clara who were holding her arms up.
Rachel: "Well then what are we doing here?"
Clara: "Rachel?"
Rachel: "I-I've done some terrible things and will explain everything but.. let me help.."
I could see the bad aura fading off her. She better explain everything because her sudden amount of powers isn't normal unless your king Mercenare!
Regina: "Okay! But before we go, we should explain everything to the Splendorians... Atleast!"
Me: "I'll just walk behind you guys..."
We walked over to the jaw dropped people. Natalie and Regina (technically being the next in line for the throne) stood up infront of everyone and explained EVERYTHING. And when I mean everything, I mean from when we met Y/n and when she became a Precure. They explained it so well! They will truly make great queens one day. Maya started to tear up and held my arm tightly. She gets emotional really easily...
Natalie: "Right, everyone's sorted out and calm. Now let's go to Earth."
Regina: "We should really get a new portal too."
Mackenzie: "What?"
Regina flew up towards the sky and lifted her hand up. Next thing you knew, her spear was in her hand surrounded in its natural golden light. Regina stabbed her spear through the sky and created another portal like she did during our last battle.
Rachel: "Doesn't that give you memories..."
We looked at the pixies. They still looked weak but nodded. The girls transformed and we jumped through the portal. Let's do this.

Bel's pov:
Okay so I just ditched Marmo to go do something worth my time. I'm really hungry since Rachel didn't let us eat that much and focused more on her own hunger. I hope that the Precure can get through to her because I've had enough of being slaved around by fools. Maybe I should go get some breakfast since it's still early until I saw that guy with the weird hat.
Hat guy: "O-Oh! Bel what a surprise!"
Me: "Who are you again?"
Hat guy: "I-it's Johnny! I'm looking for the girls have you seen them?"
Me: "You trust me now?"
Johnny: "Well should I not?"
Me: "Ugh anyway, they're in Splendorius."
Johnny: "What?! What are they doing there?! Everyone's looking for them-"
Me: "They found Y/n and she teleported to Splendorius, made a plan to destroy them uh, they followed her with the help of Marmo and Rachel saw them so they started to fight, I believe that Y/n injured the pixies so they couldn't transform just yet and then me and Marmo left and left it to the girls."
He looked and me somewhat astonished, shocked and hurt. Can people not hold one emotion?
Johnny: "Th-thank you for that... But I need your help to get them back."
Me: "I would love to but I-"
Johnny: "What the?!"
There was a massive crash. And I've heard a lot of bangs and crashes in my lifetime and this was big. I recognised the one and only Y/n.
Before he could start running, we saw her fly back up into the air with a determined look on her face. And you won't believe it but, she's activated the bomb. The bomb that could destroy both worlds if someone were to attack. I don't understand the point of having one since it could be a false alarm but what ever. Y/n flew up to the control and pressed another button only to be thrown back again. People were starting to notice on their way to work and got out their cars to stare at the girl pressing random buttons.
Me: "Are you just gonna stand there?"
Johnny: "I can't do anything. This is what Marie would probably want her to do and figure out herself...."
Marie? As in Princess Marie Angelic?! What does she want Y/n to find out of all people? You would think that she would want the pink one to figure 'this' out. I guess all we can do is watch. I wasn't that hungry anyway.

Marmos pov:
Me, Cassie and Effy started to walk around trying to find anyone.
Cassie: "So where exactly to you think these girls or Y/n could be?"
Effy: "We can't miss school..."
Me: "1- Ditch school. 2- At least one of them have to be here on Earth. I doubt they're all together. Like Regina and Ira are probably together dealing with Rachel-"
Cassie: "Wait Rachel as in the smartest girl in our grade/year?"
Effy: "She's so smart! And super helpful. One time she made flash cards for me when I missed a lesson on Algebra."
Me: "Isn't she sweet..."
I knew how Rachel could be when she lets her negative thoughts take over. I've been thinking about how she got her powers in the first place, and I reckon that because of her jealousy towards Y/n was to the maximum, she- Wait no that's where I'm stuck. I don't understand. I guess she's the only one who can tell us.
Cassie: "Hey isn't that your boyfriend?"
I saw where she was looking and at that moment I wanted to pass away. There was no way this child was taking about BEL! He's like in his 50s or something which is NOT a good look on him. He could pass as my grandad.
Me: "Ew! No. He's a friend."
Omg. I just said that. It must be these people I'm around.
He immediately shot around at stared at me only to go back to looking at the sky. And you won't believe it but he was with Johnny! I think that's his name anyway... I took Cassie and Effy's Hand and walked over to the two.
Me: "What are you doing? Star gazing?"
Bel: "There's clearly no stars out ya dip."
Johnny: "It's Y/n..."
He wasn't joking. There she was flying back and forth looking extremely damaged but still determined. It made me really mad how they weren't doing anything and just standing there. I was even considering HELPING her. And yes I'll do it for her. Until I got stopped.
Johnny: "You must leave her. She's doing what she was meant to do."
Great. Now the only thing I need is introductions-
Cassie: "Hi! I'm Cassie and this is my BFF Effy!"
Effy: "Nice to meet you."
Johnny: "Oh hi... So you two are the girls that were with Y/n this whole time?"
Effy: "Look honestly, we didn't want to rat her out. And WE knew where she was so we could've easily gotten help if we needed to."
Johnny: "I-"
Cassie: "I think we should go help Y/n! She looks really hurt and trying her best by pushing buttons!"
Johnny: "How many times?! Leave her be and watch! This is her destiny!"
Me: "crappy destiny if you ask me.."
As I said that I only got a soul deepening glare from Johnny. Wasn't he the princesses soon-to-be wife or something? I have a somewhat respect to him.
Cassie: "So are you like her real dad or something?"
We all took a moment and looked at each other. Bel looked guilty, Cassie and Effy looked intrigued while I simply stared at the guy. He sadly smiled.
Johnny: "Well. Let's just say that... We're closer than you think."

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