All together now! (Part 1)

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Natalies pov:
Me and the girls ran over to where Regina and Ira ran off to. Most likely to Y/n who suffered a rough fall. This is so not okay! We can't be running from place to place while no one is taking care of Splendorius- NO ONES TAKING CARE OF SPLENDORIUS!
Rachel: "Oh right...."
Maya: "Hey don't worry about it Natalie! Maybe you or Regina can go and keep an eye on things okay?"
Clara: "Don't stress your mind at a young age like this. It gives wrinkles!"
Oh my goodness. Wrinkles?
Mackenzie: "Hey! I think I see Ira!"
Ira? What about Regina? Y/n...? We were all suddenly blown back as the dress of Glitter Queen went past.
It was too late to say anything else. She was already near the tower and was now thinking carefully of what to press next. Once we got closer we noticed that Regina was no longer beside Ira. Infact she was no where in sight. I started to get a bit worried and questioned to myself if Y/n did anything. She's very powerful and quite capable. Even if Regina has her spear. WAIT NO STOP. I shouldn't be thinking like this. My head hurts. Maybe I'm getting wrinkles like Clara said. I giggled to myself and they noticed when we got to Ira.
Ira: "What's so funny?"
Me: "Nothing Sorry. But where's Regina?"
Ira looked down and had a sad look on his face. He seemed like a boy who had his candy stolen off of him.
Ira: "i've lost her. i've lost them both. regina.. y/n..."
Clara and Maya kneeled down next to him.
Clara: "Whats the matter Ira...?"
Maya: "Is everything okay?"
Mackenzie: "What do you mean you've lost her? Them?"
He looked up with puffy eyes.
Ira: "R-Regina ran off... And Y/n's gone back to the tower... I don't know where's Reginas gone.."
I was mad. Very. Mad. But I just about kept my cool.
Me: "Where's Regina, Ira?"
He started crying. Maya hugged him tightly. Ira was shocked by her actions but hugged back.
Rachel: "What on Earth?"
We turnt around to see Regina running like she was being chased with a stick.
Ira: "r-regina...? REGINA!"
Regina: "HIIII IRA!"
She quickly threw herself on him and Maya. We all laughed in the moment until Iras expression became serious.
Ira: "Where did you run off to? I was really worried!"
The rest of us looked at her intrigued to also know the answer. Maya and Ira sat up but Regina decided to lay on the grass.
Regina: "Some random field. Very beautiful, I recommend going there sometime-"
Ira: "You didn't answer my question."
Oh right. I'm so used to Regina rambling all the time, I almost forgot what we were talking about.
Regina: "Well... It's Marie. Princess Marie Angelica. She's back. Somehow. I'm not sure. But, she said to warn Y/n. Somethings coming."

Y/n pov:
Oof. I landed on Clover Tower with me going head first. I stood up and looked at the buttons I've pressed.
14, 69, 27, 10, 58, 1, 5, 18 and a bunch more. There were still about 3/4 left to be pushed even thought I said I've pushed a 'bunch'. What number could it be?
Y/n: "Johnny!!!"
I don't think he exactly heard me. But maybe he knows what number it could be.
Y/n: "JOHNNY!!!"
I saw him jump at the sound of his name. I was surprised to see Cassie ans Effy still stood beside them, until Johnny motioned them and I guess told them to go to school, even if they were gonna be pretty early. They looked hesitant and tried to argue but I guess Johnny got his way. They left and he yelled a 'YEAH?!' back with his hands on either side of his mouth.
He slowly lowered his hands. I was disappointed thinking he of all people didn't know. I mean, if you have a remote that sets of a bomb in YOUR office, I'm pretty sure you should know how to shut it off. Suddenly I felt a strong grasp, hold me tightly. I tried to turn around but whatever this was held me in place. I could see the terrified looks of the adults underneath me and got scared myself. I felt my feet hover off the ground then my whole body was in the air. Whatever grabbed me was pulling me towards something in the sky. The remote control reduced slightly as I got higher up. I could have broken free if this thing didn't injure my arms as it grabbed me. I felt everything go to a blur and I slowly lost consciousness feeling myself go deep into space. I lost all sense of time and space and drifted off to sleep.

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