Happy or confused?

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Reginas pov:
I felt horrible. Terrible. Anything you wanna call it.
Y/N: "N-nothing's okay!"
B/N: "Shh, come we can talk about it in your room..."
We heard the two of them head upstairs. There was a silence among the group. I could tell we all felt broken. But we had so many questions! How did she get out safely? How did she not get injured? Why did Marmo let her go so easily?!
Maya: "G-guys let's go home..."
Still a silence.
Mackenzie: "Wait! We left the Pixies in the Pigtail!"
Clara: "It's okay. I'll have Maya's there."
Natalie: "Regina, Ira... Lets go."
I was about to leave with Natalie when I turnt around to Ira. He was still facing the door with tears in his eyes. He looked broken.
Me: "Ira?"
Ira: "coming."
We walked home in silence, but in a way it wasn't awkward.. almost refreshing, giving me time to think about everything and how I could fix it.
Natalie: "Y-you don't think she'll turn into Glitter Joker... Right?"
My eyes widened in horror as I remembered about that...
Ira: "D-Don't think like that..."
Me: "Tomorrow, we'll go back and-"
Natalie: "WAIT!"
Me and Ira: "Yes?"
Natalie: "She was with Marmo, so the only reasonable explanation is that Marmo threatened her to not talk to us or something like that!"
Ira: "T-that's a possibility.."
Me: "B-but-"
Natalie: "No buts! We know how she gets when she lets her emotions run freely!"
Ira: "I-I think we should go to the Mercenare hideout..."
Me: "You're right, we should be able to get in easily."
Natalie: "Dina, can you make a Portal?"
Dina: "Dina Dina!!"
A portal opened and with no hesitation we all jumped in. We went to where the entrance was and saw it was slightly.. open?

Ira: "D-Don't you think that's a bit sketchy...?"
Me: "Atleast it's open right?"
Natalie: "Just stand your ground, don't get distracted."
We walked around for about a minute until we heard voices coming from the main room.
Me: "D-do you guys hear that?"
Natalie: "Yeah.. it's sounds like Marmo, Bel and...."
Ira: "Rachel...."
We all gave horrified looks as we realised what was going on. Rachel was obviously jealous about Ira and Y/N's relationship that she set up that whole thing with Marmo and made her tell Y/N that threat! That whole time she didn't want to help she was making trouble with these two! Before I could stop Ira and Natalie, they were already in the room.
I noticed Rachel had an even shocked face then what we had when we realised her plan.
Bel: "Oh.. It's Ira.. THE TRAITOR!"
Natalie: "That doesn't matter! Rachel, what are you doing here!"
Marmo: "What are you even doing here?!"
Me: "Your plan to keep Y/N away from her FRIENDS wasn't a good one, since we figured it out pretty quickly!"
Bel: "Oh great.. she's here..."
Natalie: "If you were so jealous, you could've atleast tried to hang out with us!"
Rachel: "That's the thing! I CANT! Y/N is always stealing the spotlight! Even if she doesn't try!"
Me: "Friendship isn't about spotlight! It's about caring for your friends when they're in trouble! Your being selfish!"
Ira: "I-I don't understand... Y/N still cares about you!"
Rachel: "N-no! She doesn't! She's hates me!"
I gasped a bit to loudly when I looked at her heart.. it was almost completely black from her hatred.. They had used her jealous feelings and turnt her against her friends!"
Natalie: "But what about Maya?! Clara, Mackenzie?! Y/N herself..."
Ira: "Come on Rachel, snap out of it!"
Rachel: "I-I.. fine.. deals off.. but I'm staying here. I can't go back.."
Marmo: "B-but she cant go-"
Rachel: "I said deals off..."
Natalie leant over to whisper in my ear.
Natalie: "What is she? Like their new master?"
Me: "Mayebe.. something like that?"
Bel: "Fine. Deal to keep Y/N away from you is off, but don't think we won't stick to our plan.
Ira: "Whatever bring us home, and tomorrow Marmo you're going to tell Y/N, she can talk to us!"
Marmo: "Ugh, fine! You brats ruin everything!"

Y/N pov:
I woke up feeling refreshed and joyful until the past events of yesterday came flooding back into my head. This was going to be a long day... I felt tired. Until a light flashed in my room. I looked up and saw Marmo.
Marmo: "Hey, so-"
Y/N: "P-please! I didn't talk to them! Not once! Or even go near them-"
Then I realised Natalie, Regina and Ira were there...
Marmo: "I-I Just wanted to say...You can interact with them-"
I jumped lip from my bed and gave my friends a group hug.
(I'm gonna give the brother a name to make things easier)
Austin: "Y/N?! Is everything okay in here?!"
Regina: "Yep! Everything's fine!"
She did it again.. strange. Does she not know I can speak for myself?
I noticed a sly grin from Marmo beside me.
Austin: "Well that's great, but Y/N, I gotta head to the shops I'll be back in a couple of hours because after I'm also going to a friends house and-"
Y/N: "It's fine! Go out, just call me if anything pops up okay?"
Austin: "Okay thanks! Keep an eye on her okay!"
Natalie: "So? To my place?!"
Ira: "I'm so happy to have you back Y/N..."
Y/N: "Me too..."
Marmo: "Alright! Alright! Enough with the lovey dovey stuff, I'm going now.."
Y/N: "O-okay.. bye?"
Marmo: "Bye."
Regina: "Well now that that's over, LETS GOOO!"
Maybe today won't be as bad as I thought...?

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