You can save her

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A/n: Helloooo! Sorry for the really late update. Like almost a month? Anyway, near the end of the chapter, the parts in bold are just memories/ flashbacks from past chapters. Enjoy! :)



Princess Marie Angelica?

What was going on?

"PRINCESS!?" Everyone yelled out in sync. We all had shocked expressions as Mackenzie and Johnny seemed to have managed to get up and hug her tightly. Instead of hugging back, she gave a serious look around the group. She saw the girls at first and gave them a sweet smile, then to the two hugging like if they let go, she would disappear. Then to Bel, Marmo and me. All she did was raise an eyebrow as to why the Mercenares were here. Mainly Bel and Marmo as she gave me more of a sympathetic look. She obviously knew that they had somewhat changed because her soul technically was in Dina-

"N-not being rude or anything but aren't you like.. Not here right now?" I didn't want to seem rude. But from the look of Mackenzie she told me to shut up. The Princess ignored my question and returned back to sleeping beauty in the floor that I hadn't exactly noticed since she was so quiet. You know being knocked out and stuff.

"We have a very important job to do right this instant. I'll answer all questions you have later, but we must save my dear Y/n."
"Your dear Y/n? What-" Maya tried to ask.
"I said all questions will be answered later. Y/n here has been almost fully drained of her energy and power. This was from me using her strength to defeat and old 'friend' who was going to end her. I had no other choice over wise he would take all her power and.." She paused and her brave look was replaced by a saddened one, "She wouldn't be here right now..."

"Okay then... H-how do we uh save her...?" Regina asked slowly getting up. You could tell her voice was cracking and she was still in pain. Not only physically, but mentally. The fear of losing your best friend that you've just found after years of searching and constant pain. It may have sounded disrespectful from someone who didn't know her, but we did.

"I- Well I think she just"



Okay, Right. Now I'm sorry your royal highness but, I'm afraid to tell you that you can't just give someone love. What does she want me to do? Pour a glass of affection down her throat? Now that I think about it me and Y/n are barely that much in love... I mean sure we've had our moments where all I could think about was her, but... Whenever this did happen, Rachel or someone would come ruin it. Speaking of Rachel, she was looking at me lovingly but a hint of guilt. I stared back and raised a brow. Me and Rachel were never meant to be. Never. I only liked her out of a time of need. I needed to feel love. But it would never work out. Clara noticed me and Rachel and shot Rachel an evil glare that I didn't know she was capable of. Rachel quickly looked away, blush coming over her. Strange girl.


I looked up from Y/n as a mumbled voice came into my ears. I didn't even notice who it was. It was of course Marie.

"You can do this... I believe in you. You can save her."
My face turned white. "ME?!" Of course it was me.

"Shhh! Not so loud! I know this must be a lot to take in. You know.. me coming back from the dead and stuff... but I know you can do this Ira-"

"No! Why me!? Choose someone else! I'll just mess it up and make her worse..." I would love to help Y/n. Really I would. But technically your putting her whole life in my hands which by the way isn't okay! I've still got so much on my mind, not to mention everyone now staring at me. But... If I don't save her, we'll never get to go see that movie she wanted to see. Or I'll never get to try her favourite ice cream flavour. Or I won't be able to make some trouble with her in school. Or... we won't have another date.. ever.

"Okay. I'll do it. But uh.. how?" My hands were trembling as I expected the worst from Marie. What if that 'old friend' of hers came back. Then what would we do? Where did that guy even come from? If he does come back then I'll be the first to blast him out of oblivion.

"Ira..." Marie took my hand and squeezed it gently, "I know we never really got on in the past.. but, I promise that me and you can get to know each other.. Spend time together. All of us can. I've seen how you have all grown and matured so well... You especially Ira. Y/n has really brought out the best in you. I forgive you."

My heart started to burn slightly from all all the sappiness going on around me. I've never felt so much passion and love around me, unless it was Y/n. But yet again, that felt normal. Marie squeezed my hand tighter as small crystal tears dropped from my eyes. I didn't realise that I was crying and part of me felt embarrassed while the other half of me simply didn't care. I slowly leaned down and kissed her as a final tear left my puffy eye.


When I woke up it was white. Just plain white all around me. It was almost blinding. It was also dead silent that you could probably hear a pin drop. I was walking. Barefooted on the white floor, but still walking. I wondered how I got here, as I don't really seem to remember anything. That was until I saw a blob, that soon turned into a figure, of a boy. He looked lost and confused. I could feel him getting further and further away from me, until he saw me. A smile came across his face and he ran towards me. I was scared as I thought I was alone in this crazy blank world.


Hey, I think that's my name. Y/n. They seem to know me so maybe I should speak to them. He finally came closer and examined me carefully. I was wearing a plain white dress, my hair down with of course no shoes. The lost boy had tears in his eyes.

"Y/n... It's me. Ira." I saw faint memories flash before my eyes as I heard a familiar name.

"I can transform and help! Since, I am pretty strong."

"But, I'm supposed to keep you safe-"

"I'm a warrior too. It's my job to protect others who protect me!"

"Hey, you do remember me right?" Ira asked looking worried.

"Of course I do Ira." I replied smiling.

"You look sad..."

"Just a bit scared I guess... I mean before, I was a normal girl with a basic life and next thing you know, BOOM!"

"Don't you think we should head back now? Everyone's worried about you."

"I bet they are... How about when we go back, we can go to the movies you wanted to go to? I'm sure they didn't have that in Splendorious."

"You're so sweet, ya know!"

"T-thanks.. Heh.."

"Just so you know Princess Marie is back and alive."

"I know. A lot of things are going to change around here.. You are okay with that right?"

"Of course as long as it's with you."

"Ira.. This is beautiful.."

"If you're happy, I'm happy."

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