All together now! (part 2)

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A/n: "Sorry that this chapter is a bit short! Please still enjoy :)

"Do you think that Y/n's going to be okay?" Effy asked me quietly
"Y-yeah.. Why do you ask?"
"Because I know that you've been wanting to be friends with her for the longest time now. Before it used to be because of popularity, but after really becoming friends with her, you feel like your being pushed away right?" She looked at me deep in the eye before returning back on the path.

Woah. Effy knew me to well. I've always admired Y/n. Not only because of how gorgeous she is, but of how everyone simply adored her. I had a locker not to far down from her and would always see massive bundles of flowers and gifts waiting to be opened. And you best believe that she would take all of them home, write thank you letters and give it to them in person, politely declining them. She was also very smart and almost all the time got A's. She just lacked an actual friend group I guess. If you wanted to find her she would either be: in the library (studying or reading) or with her brother and his friends. She didn't seem satisfied with the company of anyone her age. That was until she came across Maya and her friends. They were quite popular in the school as they had just saved the whole town and probably the world. They were admired as much as Y/n was.

I felt useless knowing that we had just left Y/n behind like that. Even though we weren't necessarily helping, we were there for.. emotional support! Yeah that.
"D-do you think we should go back?" I questioned Effy as we were nearly at school.
"No." She simply stated, shaking her head softly, "We can't do anything so what's the point in being there? And before you say anything, emotional support doesn't count."
I just stayed quiet knowing that Effy knew better than me in terms of people. Effy actually has divorced parents so I'm not going to say anything about 'feelings' anymore.

"We're almost at school. You know right across the street?"
I looked up from my hands when I noticed that we were in fact across the road from school. Time goes quick when you have stuff on your mind. Especially when it's nice and peaceful.
Effy giggles beside me as I raised a brow.
"Come on get over it! Y/n is going be fine! You mustn't stop worrying over others so much." She smiled gently and I returned a smile back.
"Okay let's go then Elizabeth!"
"Okay Cassandra."
We laughed together at the mention of our real names and walked into school hand in hand.

I stared at Regina in complete shock with guilt coming over me. It was Bels fault that the princess had to sacrifice herself. One half of her that wished to stay with her father and the over to bring justice. Imagine how she would react if her so-called 'legendary warriors' were casually hanging out with the destroyer of her home?!
"I think we should go see Y/n. Maybe we could place the crown of Wisdom on her head and bring back some memories?" Clara spoke softly and ever so calmly like she didn't just here the news of someone dead speaking to a live person.
"That's a good idea Clara! I'll teleport us there now." Regina said and with a snap of her fingers, we were in front Bel, Marmo and Johnny who looked like they had seen a ghost. Maybe Marie was really back?
"A-are you guys okay? Is there a problem?" Mackenzie was the first to speak up on the shocked faces.
"Y-Y/n she- she's GONE!"
Before we could say anything Marmo flew up towards the tower, our eyes following closely.
"MARMO STOP!" Johnny yelled up to her cupping his hands on either side of his mouth, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"What's going on?!" Regina looked at us all with a terrified face.
"Well, it's uhm Y/n. This beast looking dark thing, monster came and took her off the tower... heh.."
We all stared at him in shock.

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