Better then before

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Y/N pov:
That was really strange. There was a fire and everything but I still managed to survive somehow. My head still hurt because of all the smoke in the bathroom. I remember walking in there and feeling tears down my eyes. Then one of the lights burst and started a fire. When I blacked out I remember hearing a voice... A calm and harmless voice. It was a female and she said: "don't worry, I'll get you out of here my little red.."
She called me 'little red'? What the heck does that mean? But I guess if I hear her voice again to thank her... Anyway the fire department saw that I wasn't harmed considering all my wounds magically disappeared so they let me back into class. Everyone was suffocating me in questions but Cassie and Effy managed to get them away from me only so they could get all the answers to themselves.
Cassie: "How did you do that?!"
Y/N: "do what?"
Effy: "You managed to survive in that fire with no wounds at all!"
Y/N: "well it might be..."
Cassie: "Might be what?"
Y/N: "well you can't tell anyone."
Effy: "Okay shoot."
I pulled them in a group huddle and whispered:
Y/N: "i'm part of the Glitter Force..."
Cassie and Effy: "WHAT?!!"
Y/N: "SH! you'll make someone hear us!"
Effy: "Omg! That's so cool! But wait. Aren't they like your enemies or something?"
Y/N: "kinda..."
Cassie: "Well don't worry, it doesn't matter. If a friend has an enemy they are obviously an enemy of ours right Ef?"
Effy: "Yep."
Y/N: "w-well we should get to class."
Effy: "Well we're already late sooo."
Cassie: "Just take your time. It's only down the hall."
We walked off down the corridor when we went pass Austin's class. He looked at me with guilt and I felt good about myself. He shouldn't have embarrassed me infront of my whole class. When we walked in the teacher looked.. oddly familiar to say the least. She had dull blue hair, kinda like uhm... Rachel's. How could I forget her? She's the reason I'm in this mess... I saw Ira smile at me but all I could do was look away. The seating plan was even worse. I'm stuck next to Regina of all people! Sure she helped me out with the ambulance and everything but she's SO annoying! All I remember about her is her bratty attitude.. And now I had to sit next to her! Great. Me and Regina were sat at the front row with Ira behind us diagonally. Cassie was next to him along with Effy near the window, and Maya and Mackenzie day at the back next to each other. I sat down and Regina smiled at me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her.
Teacher: "Hello class! I'm Miss.. uh.. Miss Merly! I'm a cover teacher until your original teacher is back from her illness. Today we will be focusing on mental illnesses!"
Why did she say it like it was a nice thing? Jeez she's weird.
She carried on talking until Cassie asked the teacher a question. Not too long ago Cassie told me that when she finds a lesson boring, she simply asks the teacher loads of questions to distract her from the lesson. Effy gave me a thumbs up as if she did something worth doing. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turnt around to see Ira.
Ira: "H-hey Y/N..."
Y/N: "what do you want?"
Regina: "We just wanted to know if you were interested in hanging out with us today after school?"
Y/N: "busy."
They looked disappointed but I could tell that they were determined.
Ira: "How about Saturday?"
Y/N: "no."
Regina: "Well you see Y/N we really miss you and-"
She squeaked as the teacher yelled her name.
Teacher: "Stop taking and listen! Thank you Cassie for your amazing bucket of questions but it's time to move on."
Cassie looked at me sadly. Bummer. Well at least I don't have to speak anymore-
Teacher: "Y/N! Would you like to be an example for the class?"
You have got to be joking. Me of all people?! Ugh I hate this school and never should've moved here. I stood up and walked over to the front of the class and leaned against the wall. I swear this teacher is going to make me do something that I'll regret.
Teacher: "So Y/N tell me how you feel..."
Y/N: "what?"
Teacher: "Well you just got out of a fire with no wounds, and as soon as you woke up, the fire magically disappears..."
Y/N: "oh... i'm not sure."
Teacher: "Think deep down... Has anyone.. betrayed you recently?"
Great! INCREDIBLE! She just HAD to bring up that 'hAs AnYoNe bEtRaYeD yOu'. Ugh as if. But I guess I might as well enjoy myself while I'm here.
Y/N: "well. it's a personal thing really."
Teacher: "Are you sure you wouldn't like to share it with the class?"
Does she not know what 'personal' means?
Y/N: "i got cheated on."
I saw Ira and the girls give me a sad look. They don't have to feel sorry for me. It's been way better without them.
Teacher: "And how did that make you feel? Angry? Hurt? Confused?"
Y/N: "all.of.the.above."
Teacher: "Well I thought you might want to try this! It's like a stress reliever!"
Stress reliever? Really? I said I got cheated on. Not that I had anxiety... She pulled out an old.. Clock thing. You know the ones they use in movies to hypnotise people? Yeah that.
Ira: "W-what are you going to do with that...?"
Ew. His voice makes me sick.
Maya: "Maybe you shouldn't do that..?"
Only made me want to do it even more.
Y/N: "go on. do your worst."
She started to swing the clock left and right, left and right, left and right, left and right. I started to feel a bit dizzy.
Teacher: "So how do you feel now Y/N? Better?"
Y/N: "i- uh..."
I was having trouble speaking. I felt all these emotions come rushing inside my head, telling me to kill them. Destroy them. Put them out of their misery. Maya, Clara, Mackenzie, Natalie, the pixies, Rachel and last and worst Ira. Another side of me didn't want that. I knew I hated them but didn't exactly want them dead... My head hurt. I saw bright lights flash over my eyes multiple times and I heard whispers in the room.
Boy: "Miss! Her eyes are changing colour!"
Girl: "That must be some cool hypnotising your doing!"
Cassie: "Me next! Me next!"
Then the flashing stopped. I felt even angrier then before. I wanted to have everything to my liking. And nothing was going to stop me.
Teacher: "So how do you feel now?"
Y/N: "I feel great."

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