whats going on?

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When I woke up, it was dark all around me. I felt like my head had been hit by a bus with hammers inside. What I'm trying to say is that my head was POUNDING. I tried to get up but felt chains around my arms. I even tried to teleport but couldn't feel the long skirt that I once wore, telling me that I'm in my normal body. Great. I don't remember how I got here or who took me and here and decided that it was a good idea to tie me up and leave me here. I couldn't even check for my surroundings. Until I heard a voice. It wasn't a familiar voice, but it was enough to tell me that I wasn't dead.
"How are you Y/n?" The voice asked suspiciously. It was a male voice with a strong American accent.
I didn't answer but could feel his glare digging through my skin into my soul. This person knew my name and clearly wasn't planning on leaving any time soon until I answered his question, so that's simply what I did.
I saw teeth in the shape of a large grin shine in the darkness; the only thing I could see. It walked closer to me slowly and I tried to get out the chains but no such luck.
"No. No no no. Don't try and escape now deary... You don't even know where you are do you? No one will find you here... Not even Ira."
I could feel my anger boiling at the mention of Iras name. Not that I was mad at Ira, but because this stranger knew him and could use him as a weakness for me. He continued speaking,
"Yes... That's right. I know all your little friends. Even the ones you cherish most out of the whole group. Childhood besties was it? Pathetic."
"NO ITS NOT!" I yelled back, tired of him trying to get in my head,  "WHO EVEN ARE YOU?!"
He didn't reply but instead walked away. I could hear his shoes going to another area of the room. Before I could say anything else, I felt a hand aggressively grab my chin.
"Who are you exactly..? Why did they choose you? You have no talent. No ambition. Heck. You can't even keep a stable friend group for more than a day without ruining everything."
The tears I didn't realise I had, dropped to the floor with a pinging echo travelling though the room. I was speechless and couldn't reply.
"You know it's true. That's why you can't say anything. Simply too shocked to see that a stranger can see this. What Marmo said to you a couple weeks ago was correct. You only hang out with them as 'friends' because of your mysterious powers. Your useless to them without your past-"
"YOUR WRONG!" A another anonymous voice behind me spoke up. But this time, it was a female.

Oh. Okay. Heh. Y/n. Taken. By a uh... Monster thing.
"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?! WHAT MONSTER THING?!" I screamed out loud. I covered my mouth in shock not thinking that I could do that. Everyone else looked just as shocked as I did, as I blushed in embarrassment.
"S-Sorry...." the least I could do was apologise.
"Wow Blondie. Didn't think you had that in you." Bel said annoyingly. I could see Maya fiddling nervously with her hands. She must be blaming herself and trying to find a solution.
"Why don't we go up there with Marmo?" She simply said.
"We can't! What if we get taken too and we can't find her-" Natalie rambled on until Ira cut her speech before she went on.
"N-no.. I think it's a good idea. If we don't take action now, Y/n might not be able to come back..." he started to tear up slightly, "Don't you care?"
"Of course I do.. Sorry." Natalie looked down but Maya held her chin up and smiled brightly.
"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go!"
We transformed and flew up to the tower stopping midway.
"Are you coming you two?!" Mackenzies yelled down at them. They simply shook their heads while we gave uneasy looks. I couldn't tell if they were scared or wanted to see if we made it out alive. By whatever took Y/n.

A/n: Sorry it's short! I've been really busy getting for the new school year (It's not online) but I'll try my best to get out recent updates! :)

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