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Rachel's pov:
Uhm. Okay. That wasn't meant to happen... I wanted to get her mad, but not mad enough to want to kill me! She's 100x more powerful then me but I'll never understand why...
Y/N: "You will pay for this Rachel!"
Regina: "Y/N! Please don't do this!"
Y/N: "Oh shut up! I'm doing you a favour!"
They all looked hurt and confused but I couldn't help but giggle. I didn't have time to say anything before Y/N flew over to me and kicked me making to fly up in the air. She jumped up after me and I saw the girls stand up slowly.
I pointed at Bel and Marmo and they immediately went to the girls and held them off. I saw Regina and Ira come me and Y/N's way.
As I was falling I landed on a building and gathered some of my strength and held it above my head. Y/N saw what I was doing and did the same from a building across from me.
Maya and Natalie came over and pulled Regina and Ira away with struggle.
Regina: "PLEASE Y/N!!"
Ira: "LET GO OF ME!!"
We both ignored them and I could feel Y/N's eyes burnin through my soul.
Y/N: "Lets finish this already.
We sent our beams flying towards each other. I had flashbacks about the fight Regina and Natalie had. It felt strange knowing that I was now in Reginas position as 'the bad guy'. I had to get this over with even though there's a possibility I could lose...

Y/N pov:
This was it. I was going to destroy her once and for all. She made me so mad! Now she'll know what it feels like... To.. To feel at lost.. I felt like my memory was slowly slipping away. These emotions were taking control. Completely.
???: "Y/N!"
Huh? Who's that? Sounds familiar but at the same time I can't figure out who's voice that belongs to...
???: "SNAP OUT OF IT!"
Another voice I don't know! Wait.. They're distracting me! Ugh! It feels like everyone's against me today! I put a bit more effort in the hit even though I wasn't really trying. That Rachel person doesn't stand a chance. I could see she was struggling.
???: "DONT HURT HER!!"
What? I saw pink flying up to me but it was a bit blurry. Things were going really blurry now.
That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out and fell to the ground.

Iras pov:
Me: "Y/N!!!!"
She fell. Fell right to the ground along with Rachel. Before they hit the ground we caught Y/N while Clara and Maya went over to Rachel but were to late as Bel had already caught her.
Maya: "Leave her alone!"
Clara: "She's our friend!"
Bel: "Well she's our master!"
Marmo: "We would like to have Y/N too!"
Regina: "Never! Stay back!"
I was flooding in tears. I couldn't focus on anything but Y/N... I could tell she didn't try to win but almost did until she passed out. She needed help. I then became aware of my surroundings and realised that we were still at the theme park. It was empty from the distain terrorising the place. I hadn't even noticed that while Maya and Natalie dragged me and Regina away from the scene, Mackenzie had purified it. We had to wait until she woke up or she would be too powerful to turn back. Marmo scoffed as her, Bel and Rachel teleported away. We all sat around Y/N in silence when a bright light appeared. We looked down and saw that she was now in her Glitter Queen outfit. She mumbled her catchphrase or whatever it's called.
Y/N: "a true queen can balance the.. uhm light and dark... i'm Glitter Queen.. i think...?"
Natalie: "Shes better I guess..."
Mackenzie: "I guess we wait.."
Me: "What?!"
Clara: "Ira please calm down..."
Me: "She'll be fine?!" Regina: "We just need to let her rest... I suggest that we bring her to Johnny since he seems to somehow know more about Y/N than we do." Maya: Okay lets go!" Clara: "I will carry her! Me: "I wonder why he knows so much about her...." Mackenzie: "Don't forget that he was engaged to the princess.. I might have met her atleast once in my life and just not recognised her...I mean it must've been after my parents died maybe..." Me: "But it still doesn't make any sense why JOHNNY would know her so well..."
Natalie: "The Princess knew her REALLY well though... When I first met her I got vivid 'memories' of her..."
Clara: "Lets go, the more questions we have the quicker we can get them answered.."
We walked away from the theme park in silence. I heard security come back when we left and started to shut down the rides. Johnny seems like a very suspicious person. From his relationship to the Princess and how he all of a sudden got the Crown of Wisdo- WAIT! WE CAN USE THE CROWN OF WISDOM!
I stopped walking.
Maya: "What's wrong Ira?"
Natalie: "What?"
Me: "Sorry, what I was saying was... We can use the Crown Of Wisdom to help us get answers about Y/N!"
Mackenzie: "That's a really good idea!"
Regina: "Oh nooooo! Not that glowing crown again..."
Regina is STILL scared of that thing? I remember her telling me on our last battle how much it 'traumatised' her. I think all it did was give her a little shock.. geez.
Clara: "Lets hurry then..."

Back at the hideout
Marmos pov:
We bought Rachel back to our hideout. She would KILL us if we left her there with those Glitter brats...
Bel: "Well, Marmo about that plan to break Y/N's heart..."
Me: "Yeah?"
Bel: "We have to do it tomorrow if we want the plan to have a faster reaction."
Marmo: "I see, but tomorrow?"
Bel: "Yes, it's Saturday today, and if we can get an opportunity like this we take it! So then when they go back to school, you can do your whole disguise thing.."
Marmo: "Okay well we should tell Ra-"
We heard a groan and looked down at the couch and saw Rachel. She was waking up.
Rachel: "Ow.. My head hurts..."
Bel: "We brought you back before your so called friends could."
He said that while bowing down. What a suck up...
Rachel: "Good. Because if you left me there with them I would've killed you!"
Knew it.
Marmo: "Well, me and Bel were thinking that we put the plan in action tomorrow!"
Rachel: "Why tomorrow exactly..?"
Marmo: "Because, weekend, school the next day-"
Rachel: "SCHOOL?!"
Bel: "I-is there a problem..?"
Rachel: "I had completely forgot about school.. I've missed about 2 weeks or something!"
Marmo: "About the plan.."
Rachel sighed looking defeated.
Rachel: "Go on..."
Marmo: "If you kiss Ira tomorrow when they go back to school I can do my disguise on Y/N and her class which everyone's in and BOOM! She falls right into our trap.. And I get her back after all these years!"
I glared at Bel with anger in my eyes.
Bel: "Look! I told you that it wasn't my fault!"
Marmo: "Well if you hadn't listened then she would still be here! And we would have her power!"
Bel: "But I would die!"
Marmo: "Your Reginas slave for goodness sake! She wouldn't have-"
Rachel: "SHUT UP!!"
We stopped talking and looked at Rachel. To say she was furious was an understatement. But since she was still injured, she couldn't do much..
Rachel: "The plan doesn't need to start tomorrow. No rush. She hasn't even woken up yet. I can feel it."

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