18: Morning🌇

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I made love to Asa.

I made love to Asa.

I made love to Asa.

The realization was skyrocketing me to the moon and never back and I had this stupid shit-eating grin on my face as I held her in my arms that early morning. My heart was slamming wildly in my chest, unable to stop its eternal racing and I could feel the blood rushing in my ears, the quiet peace, tranquil euphoria as I stayed beside her, content with just listening to her breathe in oxygen... How lucky the air was to be a part of her.

I love you, Asa.

I remembered everything from last night. Her voice as she whispered. Moaned. Pleaded. Her eyes, trusting. Begging. Desiring. Her hands, craving. Worshipping. Scathing as I took her with me on our ecstatic journey of exploring and finding each other under the sheets.

She had later kicked me out of her room, in her usual Asa fashion, because, in her own words, she hated sharing her bed when she slept, but came crawling back into my room and we had binged on leftover pizza and beer, (soda for her), watching Riverdale re-runs and she had fallen asleep in my arms, face, plastered to my chest.

I pulled her closer to me, kissing her forehead but she suddenly protested.


I froze.

It was a faint whisper but it was there.

Confused, I touched her shoulder.

"No. Stop. Please." She protested again.

"Asa." I looked at her. Her eyes were still closed, eyebrows scrunched, and I realized she was dreaming. "Asa, it's me."

Pulled her closer to me again.

"Stop!" She screamed. A loud, ear-piercing sound that twisted my guts to strangled coils, churning and churning until the pain became unbearable.

"I said, stop! Please! Get away from me!" She screamed, suddenly thrashing wildly. "Please. Please!"

My heart stopped beating for one long, painful moment when she wrenched away from my grasp and moved as far away from me as the bed allowed.

Her eyes were wide open. Her face a frightened mask. She was breathing heavily, eyes wide in fear, frantic, wild as she stared back at me with more venom and hate than I've ever seen before. There were tears streaming down her cheeks but she took no notice of it.

"Asa," I whispered gently. "It's me. Kam."

She blinked unsteadily. "Kam?" She croaked, realization seemed to wash over her. "Oh my God, Kam!" She cried relieved, her eyes softening. Hunching her back, she buried her face in her palms and started sobbing quietly.

"Asa-" I moved to her, wanting to comfort her but she inched away again, her hands, clamping down on her mouth.

She suddenly shot out of the bed, stumbling into the en-suite bathroom and moments later, I heard her puking her guts out.

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