20: Pest🐀

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It was evening when I retired to the library, a quaint, vintage room, with an ancient air to it, with bookshelves, filled with hard spined books, reaching to the ceiling.

I grabbed a few biography and history books, and feeling nostalgic, I picked out a few Enid Blytons that I remembered reading when I was younger.

But on reaching the armchair I initially thought was unoccupied, I started regretting ever stepping foot in here.

Of course he would be here.

He froze when he sensed my presence, probably not expecting anyone would want to come to the library to disturb his peace.

"Hey." I said, stiffly, shifting the weight of the books to a table beside me.

"Hey." He replied, stoically, not looking up from the book he was reading. Coily, shiny black hair obstructed his profile.


Deciding I didn't want to be here anymore, I turned around, intending to leave.

"You don't have to go, Asa." Amir said softly, when I reached the door. "There's enough room for the both of us."

"Sorry, there's only so much awkward I can take." I laughed... Well... Awkwardly.

He rose up to his full height and crossed over to where I was standing at the door in a few short strides.

He was in front of me in moment, those mercury, silver eyes held so much intensity, I buckled under his gaze.


"So what?" I frowned.

"Is it true?" Quicksilver eyes, drilling into mine.

There was a strain in his voice, a tightness in his jaw. Desperation in his eyes.

"Is what true?" I held his gaze defiantly.

Big hands latched to my arms, gripping firm. His eyes went to my shoulder, left exposed in my white spaghetti strapped shirt. His thumb stroked the little hickey Kam had given me. Where he had bitten down to hard in a moment of pure pleasure.

I shrugged his hand off of me and glared at him.

His eyes maintained my stare, not backing down. Hard. Intense. "You let him fuck you."

I bristled.

"Mind your tongue, Amir. I won't take shit from you."

"Fuck! Asa." His voice sounded more like a cry of defeat. A soul in pain.

And then his lips fell on mine.

I blinked for a total of a moment before it registered to me that he was kissing me...


I pushed him away, wiping his kiss off my lips with the back of my hand. "No, Amir! This needs to stop!"

"Then, tell me, Asa. Tell me how to make this stop 'cause I don't know how and it's been driving me nuts! How the fuck do I stop especially when you're dead set on rejecting your feelings for me."

𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚| 2Where stories live. Discover now