30: Night Air🌬

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I was talking with Tasha on the phone that night.

"So, as I was saying, Asa, I'm covering a shift for my friend staying in Offshore and we get to split the cash. Guy, I landed a job in Offshore! I'll be getting two times the amount I make on the mainland. Isn't that great?"

I smiled into the phone, sitting up in my bed. "That's great, Tasha. This way, recovering your school fees will be even faster. Maybe we can meet up while you're staying here."

"Oh, no. I'm not staying here. I come from home everyday for my nightshift and I go back in the morning."

I frowned. "Isn't that more stressful?"

I could hear her shrug. "I don't have the cash to find a lodge at the moment. Besides, mum travelled to Taraba for business and Yanis had to go back to school, so I have to stay home to take care of Olanma."

"Where does Olanma stay when you have night shifts?"

"Brother Sadiq's place. You know our neighbour, ba?"


"Well, he has a sister her age and they play together. I let her stay with them when I have night shifts."

"Okay. Don't stress yourself, sha. I hope you find time to rest."

"Of course, mum!" She laughed. "Oh oh! I forgot to tell you about the guy I met at a party I attended here. See, this guy is finee."

I was smiling. "Yeah?"

"I swear to God."

"Well did you give him your number?"

"No." She scoffed, deflated. "A fight broke out and the motherfucker went to separate them."

I laughed at her tone.

"As if that wasn't enough, I had to leave immediately for my shift. Gawd!" She groaned. "I was really feeling that nigga."

I had to bite my lip hard to stop myself from laughing too hard. "Sorry, Tasha."

I knew she was narrowing her eyes at me, wherever she was. "I know you're laughing at my expense. Fuck you, Asa. Because you get boo, ba?"

I bursted out laughing hard.

"Oh shit shit shit!" She started cussing, sounding like she was scampering to get things in order. "My boss is coming. Bye, Asa!"

I didn't even have time to reply before she hung up hastily.

I grinned to myself, glancing at the wall clock at the other side of the room. It was nine in the evening and I remembered that Golden boy himself had stayed in his room all evening...


Something he had repeated, three nights in a row, now. Last night, I had brought him his dinner, walking into his room to find him in the middle of a push-up, working out without a shirt on.

"Why don't you sit on my back, let's make things a little more interesting?" He had winked at me and I had blushed, keeping his food in the desk and climbing on his bed, trying to ignore him.

He stayed in his room more, now

A part of me wondered if it was because he just couldn't stand Amir's face anymore. There was nothing to even worry about, seeing as Amir was rarely ever home these days, either.

Everyone had noticed a change between them. That cheerful, brotherly rapport they used to have was now filled with icy glares and angry stares, one, ignoring the other, the other, pretending he didn't exist.

𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚| 2Where stories live. Discover now