Chapter 12: Drunk Confession

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It's already 2AM and Bright is now smirking as Win is soundly resting his head upon Bright's broad shoulders. Happiness is quite evident towards Bright's face and a feeling of relief comes along with it.

Win's cheeks is now all rosy which Bright thought was the effect of alcohol. Cute, he thought. Adrian immediately noticed that Win is already passed out and he then went beside Bright to check on Win.

"I heard what you're talking about awhile ago." Adrian chuckled as Bright continues to caress Win's hair just so he could sleep in peace.

"Yeah." Bright chuckled and now he's smiling all ears. It was a feeling of happiness with which he has been waiting for a long time. "I never thought he actually liked me back." Bright looked at Win's face slowly crouching to his neck just to find a comfortable spot to sleep. Too adorable.

"Well, he's the one who liked you first right?" Adrian replied with his brows furrowed.

"Is it?" Bright gently nudged Win and the other one groaned. He really wants to sleep right now? He thought.

"You're happy now, huh?" Off said from across the table and Bright nodded shyly. Well, he's been longing for this for awhile now but he just can't muster up all his strength to tell Win that he liked him first. Will he ever get the chance to explain what really happened, years ago?

"We need to go, I'll just fetch Pie and Pluem." Adrian retorted and he immediately went to find the two he mentioned which are now drunk but still have the energy to hit on someone somewhere from the crowd. Mew and Gulf is now approaching the table with smirks present on their faces as they saw Bright's draped arm around Win as the other is sleeping tightly.

"Oh I never thought you had moves Bright." Gulf sarcastically exclaimed and Mew chuckled.

"Hey help me here!" All of them looked at Adrian and is now dragging drunk Pie and Pluem away from the dancefloor. Mew, Gulf and Off helped him as they are now heading towards the elevator. "Bright let's go."

"Hey Win, we have to leave now." Bright caressed the other's face so to gently wake him up from his sleep and Win let's out a soft whimper as he finally open his sleepy eyes. Bright then immediately guided Win to stand and they are now heading towards the lift, following the others who went in first.

All of them are now heading out to the parking lot. Adrian never looked fazed as he is now helping the two of his friends get inside his car. After struggling a bit buckling their seatbelts, he then went to Bright who is now helping Win to walk straightly since he is staggering. This drunk asshole, he really is a lightweight when it comes to drinking! He thought and he chuckled.

"Bright, can you take Win home?" Adrian said and the other one happily agreed without inhibitions. "You are just a few blocks away from his condominium. Pie and Pluem have the opposite way, so it's quite a hassle to drive and I'm quite sleepy already." Adrian winked and Bright immediately laughed at their humor. They really are friends who support each other!

"No problem, Adrian. Take care and drive safely alright?" Bright replied and the other one nodded as he briefly went to say his good bye's to Mew and the others.

Win is half asleep as Bright guides him on the passenger's seat of his car. Bright shook his head as he looked at Win immediately falling asleep. He can't believe he's taking care of the person he really likes. Bright let's out a smile as he is now fixing the other's seatbelt.

"Hey Bright we're going now." Off said and the others nodded as the three of them went to Mew's vehicle. Bright then started the ignition and left the premises.

The drive was smooth and silence engulfed the whole ride since the other is fast asleep with his mouth gaping open.

Bright gently nudged Win and the other groans as he is now almost sober but his head is still giving him spins and throbbing aches. Bright helps Win to go up to his unit, while a hand is draped around his shoulders so as to keep him balanced.

"Thank you, Bright." The silence between them broke as Win spoke with his eyes half closed but he is now sobering up little by little. Win is now lying on his bed while the other is on its edge, staring at Win's face still rosy and his cheeks screaming tints of pink.

"It's nothing." He shortly replied as he now prepares himself to stand up and leave but the other immediately pulled Bright's arm, which made him almost stumble from the other's tight grip.

"Wait Bright." The other whispered as the distance between their faces became just thrice an inch. Bright lets out a small gasp as he was surprised to how the other still has strength within him. He then smiled, tauntingly.

"Why is it, my Metawin?" Bright said but the other almost never heard it since he's too unfocused due to his dizziness.

"Did I say I like you?" Win asked and the other felt astonished. You're brave when you are drunk. Bright thought and it made him unconsciously smirk.

"What? You did?" Bright playfully asked innocently and the other frowned while his eyes squint towards the other.

"I think I did." Win pouted with a suspicious look as he now stare at Bright whom is smiling from ear to ear but he barely notices since it's quite dark inside his room as the moonlight from the outside only illuminates it.

"Really? I never heard it." The other teasingly said and Win's eyes twitch as he hear Bright's husky voice filling up the room.

"You're such an asshole." Win pouted which made the other chuckle. "I like you!" He didn't intend for that to come out as a yelp but he exclaimed as his head still spins but he couldn't care less since he's too caught up with what's happening right now.

"I can't hear it." Bright whispered to Win's ear and it made the other push him a little bit. Frustration is evidently etched from his face.

"I said I like you."

"What? I--" Frustrated, Win immediately plants a soft kiss on Bright's lip and the other flinched. He didn't even expect that to happen. At all.

Bright flashed a grin as the other breaks away from the kiss and unconsciously bit his lip as he became very shy afterwards. Win became flustered as his face became hot. You're such a cute tease, Bright thought.

"Come here." Bright pulled the other as he kissed him slowly and passionately. He started to invade the other's mouth with his tongue as Win welcomed it gladly like he's hungry for it. Win let's out a soft moan which made Bright smirk in between their kisses. A tempest churns inside the pit of Win's stomach as he thought he was sobering up but now he's again becoming drunk. Not because of alcohol-- but because of Bright's lips.

Bright gently bit the other's soft lip as he now finally pulls away from the kiss-- both of them gasping for air. "I like you too." Bright whispered through Win's ear but the other's dizziness is already taking over as his mind couldn't catch up to what just happened. Darkness, slowly creeping within his sight as he now finally passes out for the second time.

Bright chuckled and he sighed in disbelief. You fucking passed out again.


Author's Note

What are your thoughts? Your comments are deeply appreciated guys! 🙏🏻

Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead! ❤️

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