Chapter 31: Will You Stay?

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The delayed schedule of the pouring of concrete was managed to deliver at exactly 5 in the afternoon with which the process was immediately started. Win heaves a sigh as he has been monitoring the machine that transports the cement to the third floor of the structure ever since.

Win's eyes hover around the perimeter with which he notices that Bright's car isn't there anymore and thinks that he might have gone already. Good thing no one is here to annoy me anymore, he shrugs as he once again focuses on the workers on the building.

Sir Mike must've also left already since it's about to get dark. The darkness slowly took over the surroundings as artificial bright lights are now taking over the construction site. Win looks above and notices the clouds that are slowly covering the stars with which he thought that it might rain later this evening. Damn, I didn't bring my car. Please not now. He hisses as he worries about the hassle of commuting if it will rain.

With the sudden possibility of downpour, he immediately instructs some of the workers to provide a sufficient covering for the third floor since the cement that will be poured there might get soaked with rainwater.

"Engineer the progress of the pouring is almost 90%." The foreman remarks as he had just came down from the scaffoldings of the third floor to monitor the works upstairs. Win nods in response as he looks at his wristwatch and reads the time to be quarter to 9 already.

All of them including the other workers had their dinner at the site earlier and since the pouring is continuous, they managed to balance their time with work and from having their own meals.

Win, feeling tired already, once again heaves a sigh and went to the foreman who is now near the scaffolding area. "Will you finish up for me tonight sir? I need to go home already." Win sheepishly remarks and instructs him to monitor the progress of the work.

"You haven't brought your car engineer?" The foreman asked and Win nods in response. He immediately excuses himself from everyone and took his belongings resting at the foreman's office.

As soon as he got his things, he now started to walk at the alley with which he notices that there are no working streetlights illuminating the road. He immediately huffs in annoyance as he walked through the dark while thinking if there are still buses roaming around on the station a few blocks from where he is.

After some couple of minutes, a car from behind him stops and honks its horn towards Win which immediately pulling him out of his thoughts while mindlessly walking.

I'm not even on the middle of the road for goodness sake. Win grunts as he slowly walks on the edge of the road and once again started his pace. He notices that the car behind him is now following him with which he started to get nervous and made his pace faster than before.

The car quickly caught up and once again honks its horns but Win already felt his chest heaving as he started to run.

"Win!" He hears calling out to him but he shrugs and just thought to run for his life. "Win wait!" The man who called him is now running too towards his way and all Win could do was to run faster as well but the tiredness from today's work caught up to him and he almost stumbled upon a rock that he hadn't noticed lying on the pavement.

The man who was chasing him immediately grabbed his arm unsteadily with which Win felt a sudden fear inside his bones and quickly lands a punch on the man's face out of adrenaline. "Let me go you bastard!"

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