One-Step Closer

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Year: 2016

Description: Before the reboot.

Anika came to know about his condition last night after meeting him in the conference, He was not the person she met in school, He looked completely different, Pale face, Dark circles, Thin posture but one thing was constant His smile. She tried to let her emotions out. But she was shocked even after 48 hours. She stayed in hunger. She thought he was just her childhood crush, But when she heard that news, She was completely out of range. She never ever could able to think about anything. Over then, She got a call from her chief to cover the story of an HIV patient who got affected unknowingly. She was shocked to see shivaay's name in the list of volunteers who decided to share the story with the public.

Her heart even more ached when she got the information that he got affected unknowingly with this terrible disease. She felt like wherever she turns, It was dark. Only darkness. But she decided, At least as his friend, She will stay with him as a support. She got the courage, She called him. Even though she felt weak, She decided to be calm and composed.

"Shivaay..." - She called his name for the first time in real, not in her dream.

"Yes, Speaking..." - He responded professionally.

"I am Anika Trivedi... Remember, We met in the conference, Yesterday..." - Anika responded in a calm tone.

"Yeah, Anika... How are you?" - Shivaay responded in a cherished tone. Fresh tears formed in her eyes and her lips started to tremble. Hearing his cherished and happy tone, She wasn't happy. She didn't want to experience that situation either in her dreams. She wished it could be a nightmare and she'd open her eyes. But unfortunately, It's happening for real.

"Excuse me..." - She excused herself and came to the line within seconds.

"Fine... How are you?" - Anika asked him in a low tone.

"Excellent... I expected a call from your channel... But Isn't it too late?" - Shivaay asked her over then she recognized it was 3 am in the night.

"Yeah, Little bit late... But there's no time cycle in media... " - Anika replied calmly.

"I agree" - He chuckled, She cried while keeping her palm in her heart.

"Okay, Shall we meet tomorrow?" - Anika asked him.

"You mean today, It's already three in the morning..." - Shivaay asked.

"Yeah... Today at 11..." - She replied. He rested the call without having many conversations with her but anika couldn't sleep for the whole night, She recalled his charming face, Heart steeling smile and she kept the count of his girlfriends as she stalks him in the social media but everyone leading their own life without even caring about the person they loved. Here anika living in pain for the past two days. She got ready and gone to the cafe before half-an-hour. He came sharp at 11 in the morning. He opened the door with a pleasant smile. That smile was enough for her to wipe all the pain in her heart, She hell tried to control her tears, She succeeded.

She stood up from her place and with a wide smile and little widened arms, He approached her. She didn't wait for a while to give him a hug. Their first physical contact. Tears crossed her eyes feeling him but she quickly wiped them off.

"It's so good to meet you..." - He said when he broke the hug.

"Same here..." - She said with the smile and took the seat opposite him.

"So... Shall we start?" - Shivaay asked while correcting his collar. She understood he wasn't comfortable with the interview, She smiled at him.

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