Choosing 'YOU'

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Year: 2016.

Description: Before the reboot.

It was a normal day, Shivaay moved into Anika's place when he felt his neighbours weren't feeling comfortable with his living in that apartment, but they never ask him to leave. Shivaay made a call and moved out. Anika came to know about it and insist to stay a little longer when he started to search for a new house. Shivaay took the guest's room.

They both didn't talk much about his confession on having feelings over them, because he knew even, he expresses his feeling, nothing will change, and Anika didn't want to trouble him by asking anything. For her everything was clear, Even the words didn't slip from his mouth, his eyes couldn't hide the feelings which he's having for her. She could sense his feeling in everything. His normal touch became too intense, and his eyes always search for her, the shine in his eye when he finds her, every little thing said clearly, He is in love with her, but he couldn't confess, and She knew the reason.

It was the third day since Shivaay started to live in her house. The Alarm broke her sleep. Even though it had been only three days, Anika became an addict to his coffee. She didn't find him either in his room or kitchen. But an Audi was parked in her parking lot. She peeped through the window. It was his father, having a conversation with him. There was no sort of emotions in his father's face.

She went out while wrapping the dupatta around her and her father stopped talking when he saw her, even though they had a heated conversation, Anika didn't lose her patience.

"Hi, uncle... Why can't you come inside?" - Anika asked with a smile.

"No, Dear... You already doing us many charities... I don't want to trouble you further" - He said in a flow with a fake smile looking at shivaay, Anika was just stagnated by his words which slid her heart in a second. Before she could say anything, He left the place already.

"Shiv..." - She stopped abruptly when Shivaay went without leaving her anything to speak. He was too frustrated, whatever he picks, it didn't work. Anika didn't do anything but looked at him. She was sure, His father would have slipped something and that was the outcome of everything.

"I am leaving, Ani..." - It was his first words in the morning without looking at her face to face. He looked anxious.

"Where?" - Anika asked him calmly.

"Wherever! But away from these people..." - Shivaay spilt out of anger.

"Okay, But one condition..." - She said while pulling his left hand and made him look at her. It was too intense for Shivaay. Shivaay could sense the same emotion, the same hurt and the same anger in her face. But she stayed calm and composed.

"Wherever you go, Book for two... Because you're not going anywhere alone, I am going with you" - She said in a confirmed tone and her palms cupping his face which turned down after hearing those words. But she pulled up his face and made him look at her.

"Your father said, I am doing charity for you... Now, look at me and say, do you think the same about me?" - Anika asked him while moving close to him, His eyes were welled up like her eyes. But they didn't let it out. He stayed silent.

"You stayed silent for many things. For that, I let it go, But not this... You have to confess about it... Whether you're thinking like him?" - She asked in an inflexible tone.

"No..." - He finally said. She got relieved.

"Then what's bothering you to defend me. Why did you listen to his words silently?" - She asked.

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