My Invisible Fairy.

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Shivaay couldn't sleep for the whole night, He thinks about the incident happened in the exam hall as well as with Kiara who broke her trusts into pieces, Whenever she spoke about Kiara to him in the past, He always had this gut feeling that he had become an indirect reason for her to loose her trust on friendship. But now, He tried to change everything but the reality was he was in the very messed-up state. To clear all his messes in the past, It's definitely going to take a lot of time and patience.  

His phone beeps accordingly. He took his phone from the side table, He opened it and saw his inbox filled with many girls messages who reacted to his break-up with Kiara. 

"OH MY GAUDDDDDDD" - He exclaimed when he saw the whole messages, He opened one of the recent messages. It was from a girl named, R. He didn't even save her number with the full-name. 

"Who the hell was me?" - He swore himself and opened the chat. 

"I heard you broke up with that bitch..." - R messaged. 

"I knew it from the start, she's not your range..." - R again messaged. 

"If you want, I can do something to ease the pain..."- R messaged.

"First, Do I know you? Second, What's your name? Third, Why the hell you want to ease my pain?" - Shivaay exclaimed but he didn't reply anything to her. But it would be rude not to reply to anything her messages. So he decided to reply. 

"Good night, Sweet dreams" - He replied to his messages.

He just replied to all the 64 chats in his messages. With the same messages, Some messages abusing him for breaking another girl's heart and some messages were too weird, Confirm whether he really broke up with her or not. And finally, some messages were too weird like asking about her physical appearance. It made him so uncomfortable and got a spark of his stupid past. And he was sure, He never going to repeat any of the mistakes this time. And his mind couldn't stop itself from thinking about anika. Even witnessing him like this, She loves him. How someone can love someone to this much extent. 

By then, He got a blank message from some unknown number. But that number provokes his curiosity level to his highest Because it came from one of the unforgettable phone numbers in his life. Anika never changed her phone number since she got a mobile phone gift from her mom in her 16th birthday. The only number he can dial while closing his eyes. 

"Anika, Anika... My Anie... Messaged me, It means, She's thinking about me... Oh. My. God"

He fell back in his bed while gazing her blank message, He was smiling continuously, The smile in his face never take the name of fading away. Just then, He recalled her words. 

"I always have your number in my phone, I tried to message you and call you every time but couldn't able to do that... I wish I have some courage left in my heart to tell you about my feelings... I was really a coward..."

He immediately stood up from his bed recalling her words. First, He saved her number with the name he saved it in his phone always, Fairy. And he pressed the green call button. The phone started to ring. 

On the same while, Anika started to scream in anxiety when she saw his name in her caller id. First, She had no idea, How she sent the blank message and second, She already sent like this mistakenly but it was her first time experiencing something weird, His call. 

"Didi... What happened?" - Her sister jerked up from the sleep due to her scream in the very next second. 

"I.. I...I...I... Aci...Accidentally sent this message to him... And He... He... calling... me" - Anika started to stammer in pressure. 

"Who?" - Her sister took the phone and attended it casually. 

"Hello... Who's this?" - Her sister answered the phone in a cold tone, As it disturbed her precious sleep. 

"Put in speaker..." - Anika whispered while kneeling next to her in the bed. Passing a disbelief gesture, she turned on the speaker. 

"Well, Umm... I got a blank message from this number... Who are  you?" - He asked in a confusing tone. Anika's eyes came out in shock. 

"Excuse me, You called us in the middle of the night, Breaking our sleep, Asking us, Who are you?" - Her sister lost her patience. It startled shivaay for a second but soon he recognized it was not her but her sister. 

"Give it to me..." - Anika dragged the phone from her sister who fell back in the bed and slept. 

"Hi, This is Anika, General secretary of cultural counsel, Very fewer chances for you to know me..."  - Anika introduced her in the phone call gathering up all the courage. 

"Anika, It's you, Anika trivedi, How come I don't know anything about the school's popular girl," - Shivaay exclaimed when anika introduced in that way. There were no words left in anika for a while. She tried to speak, But she could sense only the air. 

"Anika, Are you there?" - Shivaay called her while imagining her face in front of him. He wanted nothing but to see her. Right then, At that moment.

"Yeah... Yes... The thing is... Hmm... Shrivini ma'am gave your number to me asked me whether you will be interested in participating in the last cultural which will be happening at the end of April... For gymnastics, Of course. I just wanted to confirm it, that's why I messaged you... But then I thought it's too late to message you, Fortunately, I mean, Unfortunately, The message sent..." - Anika gave him a huge explanation in one breathe.

"Oh my god, I didn't ask you for the explanation, Chill... And yeah, I am interested, And one more thing..." - Shivaay said. 


"Thank you for helping me out today... I don't know what would have happened to me if you're not with me, Then..." - Shivaay said. 

"Tomorrow Chemistry practical, Read and come... Afternoon..." - Anika said. He chuckled in instant. 

"Okay, I will...Bye... Good night..." - Shivaay said. 

"Good night" - Anika said and rested the call. Looked back the whole scenario which was too hard to believe. 

"Ani... You're definitely dreaming... Sleep, You didn't get any call from anyone..." - Saying that Anika fell back to the bed and closed her eyes while hugging her sister tightly who was sleeping next to her. 


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