Chapter 14: The Need

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Early this morning, I called miss Jane, to see if she could watch Flower. I know it's selfish, but I'm not in the right head space at the moment. I need time to process my thoughts. Thankful that Andrew is at work, so I can be alone. I glide my fingers over the leather steering wheel. The texture is ingrained under the prints of my fingertips.

I know Andrew told me he's always here for me. A part of me feels like he's tired of hearing the same ole same ole of what's bothering me. Going for a drive, the rain falls onto the windshield, and I can relate. Somehow keeping it together, I start to panic when my thoughts are on a rampage. When I was much younger, I used to listen to depressing music, because the singers/rappers knew how I felt.

Then I realized how it only depressed me more. Needing someone to talk to, I take back what I said earlier. I wish Andrew was off work, I don't want to be alone. Taking my phone from the passenger seat, I punch in the pass code. I scroll through the numbers. Though I have it memorized, it's safer to find the name. About to hang up once I think he won't answer, he picks up.

"Babe. I'm at work. You know how busy I get. What's wrong?"

Instant regret. I feel like a burden. What a waste of time. I think about hanging up, but how childish?

"I'm sorry I troubled you. Never mind. Have a good day."

He sighs into the phone. "Come on Veronica. You called for a reason. What is it?"

He's too busy to care. "I have to go." Is all my dumb ass could muster up before hanging up the phone, and crying. I have to pull over. It's not safe to drive while bawling my eyes out.
When my phone goes off with his name, I press decline.

It was a mistake to bother him. So selfish of me to disturb him at work. I'd like to talk to someone, but I hate being such a nuisance. Then I think of Aubrey. We're kind of at the stage where we can vent to each other. She's vented to me plenty, maybe it's my turn?


"Thank you so much for doing this for me."

Aubrey extends a hand over, rubbing my back. "Of course girl! I'm always here for girl talk. What's bothering you?"

Her scented perfume overpowering the air freshener in my car. I take a second to inhale the new smell. I turned my phone off. Andrew kept calling, and I insisted that I'm fine, and so is Flower. Fixed on the road, I can't help but glance over and admire how beautiful Aubrey is. Fixed in workout clothes, she looks phenomenal. Tight white leggings, and a gray crop top. She looks perfect without makeup.

Stealing my glance away, I focus on what she wants to know. "I'm a mess."

"Pfft. Aren't we all?"

That earns a giggle out of me. Wiping the tears, "Listen...I really don't have any friends...never did. I don't know how to do this. Or if I even should."

Thankfully she speaks before the ride gets too awkward. "Hey, I've been there..Actually there again. I'm grateful I have you here for me. I know we just met, but I also know that holding shit in is not good. And if you don't have somebody, you do now."

She's everything I've ever wanted in a friend. I don't even know where to begin. "I...I can't say it."

"Did someone hurt you?" Cutting to the chase. "Is Flower okay?"

"Yes! She's perfectly fine!" I take a moment to gulp down the lodge in my throat. "I'm struggling to live. It's like I can't escape the thoughts. I've tried so hard. You'd think sleeping would erase it all. But the sleep paralysis happens, and the nightmares.."

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