Chapter 27: Now You Know

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Trigger Warning


I'm not used to the bed being this cold. Like walking through a winter storm, it's unbearable. I fucking cried myself to sleep last night. I tried not to be that pussy, but I fucking was. Doesn't help that outside it's bitter. Just like the people who live in this state.

I skipped breakfast, nothing can feed the hunger that's inside of me. I crave the sweetest girl I've ever met. My teeth are deprived, but good for them. I don't know if Aubrey is okay. I'm not sure if she is even going to show up to this pitch. Honestly, I could give a shit less.

I hope she doesn't, so Mr. Grange fires her. Maybe I should turn her in for sexual assault. Then again, how guilty would that make me? Impure thoughts are crippling to the brain, intrusive. Not a blink of sleep, eyes are darker than normal.

I'm feeling empty, lost. I don't even put the phone up to my ear when I call, because I know she's not going to answer. She may be the last kiss I'll ever taste. The last sound of a moan, when I slowly sink my cock into her pussy. That previous hitch that feeds my ego.

Her skin will forever be on the edge of my fingers, but the only one I'll touch. I don't even want to look another woman in the eyes, if those eyes are not her white ones. I'll miss gripping her hair, as I fuck her from behind. Yanking, just to hear her desperate cries.

No other woman will feel the warmth of my thumb, as I brush it over a fallen tear. I can't handle anybody else's past, because many make theirs out to be the worst, when no one has gone through what I have, what my wife has.

I suppose I don't deserve that title. In my head, I do. I didn't physically do anything to fringe that marriage. The love in my heart will never die. No matter what happens, she'll always be mine. My flower girl. I'll forever picture her. On lonely nights, where I wish she was near, I'll dream of her.

Those pink creamy lips that curve at the ends. It's only been a day, and I'm lost with no direction. When I visit Flower, I'll only see her mother in her features, causing me to miss her even more. My girls are both gone, and I'm losing it.

Logan might be the father of my daughter. But she'll always be my daughter, no matter what. I'll never give up on her. I helped raise her, and I deserve to be in her life. For as long as she'll let me. I still can't fathom her coming from his existence, knowing his hanice acts.

That little girl doesn't need to hear the vile words of what her uncle did. Shit he's not her real uncle. He doesn't deserve the title. I'm glad that son of a bitch is dead, because if he ever so much as breathed in my daughter's direction, I'd kill him. Blood gurgles under the cage of my skin, trapping it inside.

Attention is captured away as the team begins to file in. I rest the coffee cup on a coaster nearest to me. My tongue is dry. I could use a cup of water, but I'm too exhausted to even move. As usual, I'm the first one here. Their eyes meet mine. Fuck with me. I dare you.

Glancing at my watch, five minutes before we begin. No sign of that bitch who ruined my life. Whether it was premeditated or not, I'll never be able to forgive her. Grudges are what pull me under. I am what crawls back out on top. Forgive and forget is a saying I don't agree at all with.

I'm not forgetting unless the brain is stripped from my head. Literally, or figuratively. I won't forget how you made me feel. And I will never fucking forgive. Forgiveness does not help me move on. Hating the person until they're dead to me does. Just like with my parents.

I'll never forgive them. They deserve much less. I hope they're burning in the earth's mantel, digging their way under hell. "Andrew." I jump, thinking they are scorching me for the foul thought.

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