Chapter 16: So Alone

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A couple days have passed us by. We're back home, and Veronica is basically bed ridden. Only for a few more days. She'll finally be able to take care of herself. I kept insisting that it was no big deal, which it wasn't, and isn't. She's my wife. I'll do anything for her. Flower loved taking care of her mom, in the little ways that she could.

To make up for my shitty behavior, from the past week, I ensured Veronica that Aubrey got the job. She was more than pleased. Me? Well I dread that I'm the one who has to train her. I'm not good with newcomers. This might be good though. Maybe she isn't as much of a piece of shit as I think. This will give her the chance to prove herself wrong. Who knows? She might even become my friend as well. Who the fuck am I kidding? I don't have friends.

Clocking in on the dot. If I were one minute later, it would have counted as tardy. Carrying coffee in one hand, my briefcase in the other, I stride to my desk. A certain someone with black hair, and a pin stripe dress suit has taken over the premises. "Excuse me."

She spins the swiveling chair with a smile on her face. How did she get here before me? I shrug it off. One time thing. I'm sure she'll fuck up somewhere down the line.

"Good morning Mr. Mena." Aubrey drags one of my pens across the desk. Her smile hasn't left her face. She also hasn't left my seat.

"It's just-."

"Andrew!" Exactly that, but in this case, it's my boss calling to me. "I need to speak with you."

Laying my belongings down, I straighten myself up. "Yes sir." Mr. Grange waves me into his office. Obliging, I step into the fresh Manila scent, from the new folders that were recently delivered.

"Take a seat." He waves to the leather chair. Good thing we're indoors, and I'm in pants. Otherwise, my ass would be sticking to that damn seat, with sweat draining down my legs. I await for the discussion.

"I meant to call, but became too busy. I know that's a poor excuse. Did you get the flowers I sent over for your wife?"

I'm so grateful he let me take a mini vacation to take care of my wife. Though it was no real vacation. He looks stressed, far more wrinkles than I remember. A bit skinnier, hair is longer, I need to make sure he's okay.

"Yes sir, she did. Thank you for the thoughtfulness, and your concern. We'd like to make it up to you, by taking you out to dinner, as soon as Veronica is at least 80%."

Mr. Grange brushes off the offer. Waving his hand as he looks out the window. "Don't worry about it. You take care of that woman." I think I almost see a twinkle in his eye. "I lost mine. Worked too damn much. Women need attention. They're emotional beings. If they aren't getting it from you, they'll seek it somewhere else." I can't lose Veronica. She's the reason I can breathe. I love her. "Anyways, the new girl, whats her name again?"

"Aubrey." Tersely answering him.

"You train her. Make sure she works just as hard as you. Without you here, it was absolute hell. It'll be nice to have another one of you."

"Sure thing sir. Thank you again for the flowers. My wife and daughter both loved them."

Rising to my feet, "No problem, go get to work." There's plenty of it that needs to be done.


"No. Not like that. Watch again." I wonder if she's doing this on purpose. How complicated is it to place orders? If she messes up, both of our asses are gone. And another thing, she's too close. Her perfume is so distracting. Nothing like my flower girl.

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