Chapter 1: Split

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"It's settled. Divorced. Court dismissed. All rise." Usually people feel relief after they've been granted a divorce. Can't wait to get away from their ex, move on, live life lavished in sex and booze. Well not me. I didn't want this fucking divorce.

I'm only relieved to get out of this goddamn courtroom. Three hours of having to stare at the same judge. Speaking under oath, I couldn't even lie. Though I wanted to. They wouldn't believe the truth, even if I showed video evidence. I tattooed the palms of my hands with my finger nails. The only spot on my body without real ink, and the palms of my feet.

Squeezing my fists tightly, trying not to break skin. My left hand felt naked without the ring. Veronica wouldn't look at me. Not once did her eyes reach mine. And it sure as hell couldn't have been because of her insecurities. I don't even think she is insecure anymore. The new man she has tends to her more than I ever could.

This is the first time since we got married that I've worn a suit. A fucking suit! I don't do them. No, there's not enough air flow in the midst of August in Georgia for a suit. The navy blue tie ropes down to my belt. I envision myself tearing this jacket off.

Ripping the white shirt to shreds until the buttons fall loose onto the spotless floor. Yank this noose of a tie from my neck. Or maybe if I yank hard enough, it'll end my suffering. Out in the vestibule, I follow my attorney.

"Well Andrew, it's settled. Fifty fifty just like you wanted." That's not what I fucking wanted. I want my wife and damn daughter back.

"Daddy!" I turn to find Flower sprinting across the room.

Kneeling to her level with open arms, I catch the pretty butterfly that landed on my Flower. "I love you baby. You have to go with mommy, okay?"

She nose dives, grooming into my chest. "But why can't you come home with us?"

I close my eyes, holding her dear to my heart. "Sweetheart, mommy and I are no longer together. But that doesn't mean we won't see each other. I'll always be here baby."

My tie deepens to black as her tears water the fabric. Sad thing is, nothing wants to grow. "Daddy don't leave me!"

She grips ahold of my heart strings, playing the saddest song. "Never Flower. I'll never leave you."

Veronica walks over in a maroon dress that hugs her curves. I guess she grew tired of Platinum blonde, and switched to brunette. Now her white eyes truly pop out of her skull. I only wish I caught her eye.

"Flower, time to go. We have to go eat dinner."

Veronica takes ahold of Flower's little hanny. "Mommy please, I want daddy."

My eyes begin to tear up as Veronica tears her away from me. Tearing this family apart. Her words go mute when they reach her new boyfriend. I just want my little girl. I need her to be safe. She's the only thing that keeps me going. I thought I brought her life. But my little Flower was the one who has pollinated mine. And she's just been picked, taken to a new family to sit in their vase.

I guess because like myself, the vase at my home is broken.


I couldn't bring myself to look at him. How could I look at the man I used to love, while the man I currently love sat behind me? After everything he did, he deserves less than eye contact. I didn't even so much as glance at him. Had no idea what he was wearing, or how he was sitting. I don't know what his facial expressions were either.

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