Chapter 21: Stay by My Side

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                           Trigger Warning!

Thrashing the ropes from side to side, the neighbors would think I'm being brutally murdered, if they can hear the gut wrenching screams. I can feel the ropes cutting into my flesh, but I don't care. "Please! Don't hurt me anymore. Please!" I scream, wondering how the tears have fallen. Choking on the sobs, I begin to tug, raising my head, then slamming it back down. "Dax! Please help me...." The last part a whisper. I think I'm going to faint. Hopefully I do, so they can have their way with me, and I won't even remember it.

I feel them tugging onto my arms and legs. They tear my blindfold off, probably so I have to watch the acts happen. I can see, but it's not Logan, or Cole Ellis. "Dax!" I pull him into me. But he quickly resigns. I'm relieved when he was only grabbing a towel. Wrapping me up, I'm bundled to his chest. Why hasn't the white towel been stained red with my blood?

He rocks us back and forth, combing his fingers through my hair. "Veronica. It's Andrew." Squeezing my eyes shut, I shove them into his neck. "Look at me baby." Chills run up my spine. Teeth chatter, I can't stop crying. "Vee...I'm so sorry. Fuck." We rock like this until I've finally calmed down. Once that happens, all I want to do is rest.

"Please, don't leave me again."

He kisses the root of my hair. "Never."


Please, don't leave me again. Fuck! The words chime in my head like a ringtone. Someone is constantly calling. I'm not responsible enough to answer. How do I explain now, that in two weeks, I have to go to New York with a woman I've fantasized about fucking? Her own friend at that. Don't tell her the latter you jackass. I shove my guilty conscience aside.

Seeing her in that state, like she was thrown right into the past, and I'm the one who put her there. She was screaming for me, even after all the things I did to her. She wanted me to save her. I'm always here to protect my girls. I wish I could have jumped in her memories, that way I could kill them before they even touched her.

What the fuck were you thinking?!? I didn't think she'd have a full blown attack. My baby, I wish I could have saved her sooner. But I told her to go! Wanted her gone, but not deep inside my soul. I was forced to make her leave. Otherwise, Logan would have made my life hell. But he was too busy making my wife's life hell.

Compared to Veronica, I was in Heaven, and didn't even realize it. I should have never fucked the last slut I did before Veronica and I got married. Why isn't that lesson enough? I should have begged for Veronica to stay when she barged into the beach house. None of this would have ever happened if it weren't for me. We could have taken Logan and that other shit bag out together.

I cringe, sinking my nose into her scented hair. Tears slowly falter into those platinum locks. I wonder if my tears will make her hair grow. An arm is latched over her belly, holding on for life. I'll never let her leave. She's not going to be out of my sight.

"Hush little baby don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright..." It'll be alright. Yeah...keep telling yourself that. Can I trust myself to stay faithful on this trip? It's like the scenario where the snake tempts Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, even after god said not to. I can't have my cake and eat it to.

Why am I thinking about this? Veronica just had a fucking mental breakdown, and I'm thinking about fucking some other woman's brains out. It's time for me to follow suit and catch some much needed shut eye.

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