Chapter 55: In Between Heaven and Hell

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So much regret. I shouldn't have left Andrew in there alone. He needed me, but I'm relieved Flower wasn't in there to hear the awful truth. He never catches a break. I've been sitting on the sofa waiting for him to finally come out of the bathroom. It feels like he's been in there for hours.

I want to check on him, but I'm afraid he'll snap. He asked for space, and I want to respect him. If only there was a way for me to take away his pain. Somehow, we'll just have to deal with it together. A loud thud from the bathroom overpowers the tv show I was currently watching.

Rushing to my feet, I race to the locked bathroom door. I use my nail again to open the door. I'll leave him be as soon as I know he's okay. "Andrew?" The floor is flooded with bloody bath water.  "Baby!" I grab towels from the rack, rushing to his side.

Wan, ghostly, as blood covers his entire body. "Oh Andrew!" I drain the bath water, wanting to find where it's coming from so I can stop the flow. I lift his arm, and see the deep cuts that cover his tattoos. Applying pressure to the wounds, I then run to call the police.

When the conversation is over, we await for their arrival. Why didn't he talk to me? Wait, I can't say anything. I've attempted it many times as well. "Andrew, listen to me!" I hold the towel around his arm as I wash his bloody skin with clean water. "This baby, needs you! Stay with me! You're loved Andrew. I love you, Flower loves you so much! And I know this baby will love you instantly."

I don't know how these words are escaping, but it's instinctual that I keep him alive. "Remember when I joked about you drugging my hot chocolate. I laugh and you were pissed at me, because you thought that was disgusting? Or when you saved me when I went for a walk with the dogs? I was almost raped in that alley, but you protected me. The gas station incident, when that man tried to kidnap me. You've save me so many time Andrew! You're not a monster. Baby you're wonderful."

I kiss his closed eyelids. "You're my savior. You saved me from Derrick. I can't lose you. You've saved me so many god damn times. I don't care if you hate me Andrew, it's my turn. I'm saving you."


Usually it's me in that bed with the beeping machines and tube in my skin. Of course I'd rather it be me than the ones I love. He seems so at peace as he sleeps. The wrinkles are at rest. Dark circles have found the light. I haven't left him. Not in the Ambulance, or when we got here. I'm going no where. They couldn't pay me enough.

I rock Flower on the chair next to the bed. "Hush little baby don't you cry, everything's gonna be alright." Patting her hair, calming her, well I think I'm trying to calm us both. "Try to get some rest baby."

"What's wrong with daddy?" I haven't been able to come up with a solid lie. I just keep reminding her that he's okay.

"He's hurt hunny. People come to the hospital when they aren't feeling well. They'll get him all fixed up, okay?" Am I trying to convince her or myself? Both. After the overwhelming amount of people in this room, I think he's finally alright. He reminds me of me. Arms are all stitched up.

I can't help but blame myself. I should have never left him when he told me to. I saw how much he was hurting. I failed him. Failed him as a girlfriend, a friend, and as the mother of our child. Speaking of child, Flower lulls to sleep in my arms. I'm tired, but I don't want to sleep. I'm afraid if I do, he might wake up and hyperventilate.

Allowing her to rest in the chair alone, I sit on my knees adjacent to Andrew. The sweatpants wrapped around my skin collects the mild dust. Taking his hand in mine, it's time to express how I honestly feel. "You're much more than a ray of sunshine, or a beautiful walk on the beach with the perfect amount of breeze." I take a moment to pause before my voice cracks.

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