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it was monday, fresh morning and brand new start in seoul. lee jihoon arrived at their school with a big smile on his face. despite not knowing any people, he strived in the crowded place as it was their first day of class and all he have to do now is to find his classroom. the school was big, and the small boy cannot really handle a lot of people. he can't even ask them where class 7-a might be. so he just wandered around the corridors, too scared to be late so he doesn't have any choice but to walk towards a guy with a cute doe eyes and button nose.

"excuse me... i'm lost and i don't know where class 7-a is. i'm new here. i'm lee jihoon" he said and smiled at the other.

"you are one year ahead of me and upstairs, you'll see your classroom. i'm sorry i cannot walk you there since i have to go inside the class now. it's nice meeting you" said the guy and he smiled warmly. "i'm xu minghao by the way"

with a smile plastered on his face, he walked upstairs and there he saw the grade 7 classrooms with different students taller than him. he walked fast enough and to see a door, with a 7-a sticking out on top of it.

this might be the room, he thought and he walked inside.

"lee jihoon come over here" it was the teacher who helped him with his files, that happened to be his homeroom teacher. "okay class settle down!"

he held jihoon beside him and looked around to spot an empty chair. it was beside the student with a kinda long hair, covering his eyes and he's wearing all black.

"okay sit with jeon wonwoo at the back and we'll start with the introduction. i am your homeroom teacher, ms. kim yoonji. as today is our first class, together with different students with different hometowns, i expect you all to be taking care of one another as we will be together for a year, okay? now open your textbooks on page 10"

jihoon was so lucky to have jeon wonwoo being his seatmate. he was smart, cool and the most important is.... he barely talk and jihoon enjoyed that.

"excuse me, lee jihoon. how come you're so small? i mean, are you an elf?" some of their classmates make fun of him but he just ignored it since he doesn't care at all.

"you're so small!! cute but not that interesting"

"maybe he doesn't have food to eat that's why he didn't grow"

oh come on, peasants. my mom is a doctor, my father is an engineer and my older brother is the famous producer. i can even buy you a whole restaurant if you want to, jihoon thought but just brushed it off.

"hey all of you! why don't you just mind your own businesses, instead of picking on this guy? grow up, people! we're living in the 21st century for goodness sake! stop being so rude and learn how to have manners" jihoon was surprised, that a guy who is sitting on the very corner shouted at them making them leave the room.

"don't mind him. i mean, i'm friends with that guy and he always save me with those freaks too. don't get scared of him. he's just really loud sometimes" then he turned his head to jeon wonwoo and he just smiled.

"you okay there, little guy? i'm kwon soonyoung but i'd like to be called hoshi" jihoon jolted in surprise when hoshi swiftly came by his side so fast.

"oh! i'm lee jihoon. nice to meet you" he properly said and bowed.

"oh you don't have to do that. we're on the same age. so we're friends now. i'm also friends with wonwoo. soooo, do you want to join us for lunch? i have a big group of friends and they all are respectful, kind and some are straight-a students. don't be scared because we all helped each other at first that's why we all became friends"

"okay sure!"

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now