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after what happened, woozi and wonwoo have decided to leave the house together. mingyu begged for wonwoo to come back but wonwoo promised woozi that they'll leave together. he can't leave the small boy alone. he promised to come back for mingyu if everything is okay. even though mingyu accepted wonwoo, he can't just stay with him. he left. he should also be moving on from mingyu.

"good thing that boy seonghwa was here. we're able to leave the house as early as possible" wonwoo said and he sat down beside woozi. "gosh i miss mingyu's scent"

"yeah i understand you. i also miss hoshi" then woozi received a smack from wonwoo. "ouch! that hurts!"

"that hurts!?! are you crazy? that boy thinks you're disgusting and you still miss him? you want me to throw you out of this building?" wonwoo yelled and he just chuckled.

"you know what? that would be a good idea. why don't you do it now?" then he received another smack. "ow! that's too much!"

"if you can't get over that guy, let me do it for you then" wonwoo said and he crawled on top of woozi. he looked at him straight in the eye and he leans forward attempting to kiss woozi but then he fell onto the floor. "ew! ew! ew! i will never do that to you anymore! it's disgusting!"

"you're crazy, wonwoo. you can't even make me blush" woozi said and he stood up, dialing seonghwa's phone number.

"hyung! are you okay?"

"yep, seonghwa. i mean, i called just to check up on you. how's work? is yoongi hyung still there? is he giving you a hard time?"

"n-no hyung! it's fine"

"park seonghwa why are you on your phone?!" woozi heard yoongi in the background and he laughed.

"pass him the phone, seonghwa. let's teach him a lesson"

"will you please stop stalling this kid from his work? and don't flirt with our employees you ungrateful prick"

"oh come on, hyung. let him be. it's not like there's so many customers at this hour. plus i'm not flirting, okay?"

"i'm not flirting my ass, jihoon. we all know you like this boy"

"oh shut up grumpy old man. give the phone back please"

it's ridiculous for woozi to think that he likes the young boy. that's crazy. he won't be liking that boy romantically. he likes him because he see himself towards the boy. don't take it seriously.

"don't worry about yoongi hyung. for sure he'll lessen your work. knowing that he thinks i like you"

"oh come on, hyung. i have a boyfriend already"

"what? why didn't i know this?"

"i didn't mention him to you? i-i'm sorry, then"

"then why did you came to my house that night? where is he that time?"

"h-he's a busy person and i know he's just gonna be worried. he's also a producer like you, hyung and you know. i can't make him worried about me when he's working. you know how it affects you, right?"

"then come over at our house when you're free. gotta meet him and evaluate him"

"really? that would be great! he'll be excited to hear this. i'll just call you, hyung. and please promise me to not be that scary. he's easily scared around people and he look up to you so much"

"that's good then. see ya?"

"okay hyung. bye~"

as soon as he came back inside the living room, wonwoo was smiling at him. "you look in love. sooooo. you like seonghwa? well, he's cute. i can't blame you"

"oh shut up jeon wonwoo. i like him as a younger brother. plus the kid's already have a boyfriend" he answered and made his way beside wonwoo.

"so you're sad that he's in love with someone else?" he teased the smaller guy and he high kicked him. "ouch! you violent loser!"

they were bickering and hurting each other when their doorbell rang and they suddenly looked at each other, surprised.

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now