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after their break, they all came back to their own life. some are still resting and some are now back to their works. starting to get busy, starting to adjust their body and schedules again.

"can you please clean that table at the very end? and please, you have to be alert by the mess that the customers made. look at that floor on that part. it seems like a coffee was spilled around" woozi said at the crew while still observing the place.

unlike woozi, yoongi was way more scary when he stop by and observe. he's more calm and chill towards the employees.

"sir do you want anything? you may take a break" some new guy asked woozi and he smiled at him.

"can you give me an americano please? i kinda need it right now" woozi answered and the new crew was hurrying himself inside which made their boss smile.

he's cute.

once the crew came back and gave the coffee to woozi, he was already sitting on one of the tables.

"here you go, sir" the new guy said and woozi looked at the name plate.

"seonghwa?" he called out and the boy turned around. "nice name"

he chuckled when he saw him blush and he took time to look at him and check him out. he was fine, handsome, clean look, taller than him, nice smile. he was so perfect to be one of the crews.

"s-sir?" seonghwa smiled but it faded away when he saw woozi looking at him seriously. "i-is there something on my face?"

"no you're just cute. you can go back to work now" woozi replied and the boy ran away. "why do the kids these days are so damn tall?"

after a few minutes, woozi stood up saying goodbye to all of the employees.

"i hope you take care of the shop until later. i was just here to observe since i have to finish my other business. i'll see you all next week" woozi then bid his goodbye and made his way to their company building.

as soon as he arrived, he passed by the dance studio to see hoshi, busy dancing and teaching the new trainees. after they talked about what happened, they haven't had a proper conversation again. it's either woozi lie, or he reason out something that would make them stop talking eventually. hoshi doesn't notice though, so he was thankful for that.

ignoring hoshi was hard. especially, he knows everything that is happening to the smaller. but somehow, woozi makes his lies so real that the older wouldn't notice.

when he was in front of his doorsteps, he pressed the passcode and came inside. taking off his shoes and his coat. he sat on the swivel chair and started to work on his music.

he's still on leave but making music somehow makes him happy and makes him forget about his problems. his coming out plan was still blurry and he doesn't know when to say it. maybe he'll tell hoshi one of these days and then tell the others a little bit more later.

while listening to the track, his phone buzzed and he saw a message from hoshi.

from soonyoung
are you still at the cafe? let's hangout for a while?

to soonyoung
i'm sorry but i'm inside the studio right now. i just stopped by at the shop and came back here. kinda busy

from soonyoung
what about dinner? let's meet up later?

to soonyoung
i don't think i can. i have to meet up with my old friends back in busan. they said they're here in seoul. i'm really sorry

from soonyoung
it's fine. just call me when you get home. take care

lie. lie. lie. if he's like this towards the guy, how the hell would he come out to him? all he do was to avoid and ignore hoshi.

okay my atiny side somehow slipped out. hongjoong is my bias tho. but it seems like seonghwa will be a beautiful barista hehe

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