twenty four

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"if you really want us to be okay, we should go to my house and you should apologize to wonwoo. he was still mad, you know" they were cuddling inside woozi's studio because hoshi doesn't want to let go of woozi. he wants them to stay like that for the rest of the day because the older was scared that he might be gone again.

"i'm scared. he punched me so hard last time and it made me dizzy for a moment and my nose bled a lot" hoshi said and woozi laughed at him.

"he'll understand you, hoshi. he's dating mingyu and i'm sure he won't even give a damn about you. all he wants is for us to be happy. he knows you make me happy, hoshi. wonwoo is a kind friend" woozi explained and the other scoffed.

"kind friend? you two look like you are in a relationship. always posting on instagram with your couple t-shirts, couple rings, couple everything. are you sure you did not date him or anything? because i'm sure that when i saw him holding your hands and hugging you at jimin hyung's party, it made me jealous" hoshi said and woozi suddenly blushed at the thought of hoshi getting jealous just because a friend is hugging him. that was so gay.

"we almost kissed" woozi said, trying to trigger the older as he was already enjoying the look on hoshi's face. "he said if i won't get over you, he'll have to force me and he did crawl on top of me, tempting to kiss me"

"then go to him and kiss him then. since i feel like you enjoy his company more than me. you even live together but you refused to live with me" hoshi pouted and woozi thought that it was really cute.

but something came onto him and he sat on top of hoshi and the older was taken aback that he suddenly jolted and also sat down. he was blushing when he felt woozi on top of him. he sat on his lap without second thoughts and right now they are so close and they can literally feel each other's breath brushing through their lips.

"i'm really curious if what will happen when i kiss you. would you feel anything?" woozi asked but right when he was about to say another word, hoshi already captured his lips.

woozi was so surprised to feel hoshi's lips on his. he doesn't even know what to react so he was just frozen in there.

"come on, woozi. don't be like a dead fish. i'm trying to flirt here" hoshi said and once again, he slowly leaned towards woozi, placing his lips on the younger's soft ones.

as he kissed him, he finally felt woozi trying to respond and that's when he licked woozi's lower lip and the younger immediately processed everything and their tongue met as hoshi explored his mouth and he regret that he moaned through the feeling and it made hoshi smile in between their kisses. they were sharing a slow, passionate kiss. it was almost perfect but were interrupted by someone who came in.

"what the fuck!?"

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