twenty eight

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it was a sunny monday morning when woozi woke up by the blaring alarm clock on his side. he woke up without hoshi by his side because the poor boy was up all night in the studio as he's working on a new choreography. as for woozi, it was his off. he's been giving himself a break once in a while from working on a song since hoshi was getting mad that he have to drown himself through working, always saying that he should balance his life and his work, which is not wrong. he really should stop from time to time and focus on his health since that was our first priority after all.

so instead of whining and refusing to stay at home, he just decided to make a food for them. hoshi must be on his way home and he have to move quickly. that boy will go straight to their bedroom if the food wasn't ready, yet. which he totally understand since hoshi is really tired from moving and thinking all throughout the night. somehow, if that happens, he'll be leaving the kitchen to go to bed with hoshi for a while. it's been their routine every time the older will stay up late. they'll cuddle even though woozi just woke up because it helps hoshi to fall asleep and when he's peacefully sleeping, woozi will leave him to do his chores.

as soon as woozi finally finished his cooking, he placed everything on the table and decided to take a shower before eating, so he walked straight to the bathroom, taking all of his clothes and stepping inside the warm water that's coming from the shower. he was singing and doing all of his works and without him noticing, hoshi entered the house, locking the door behind him and smiled when he heard his boyfriend's voice coming from the bathroom and the delicious smell that's obviously coming from the dining area.

he took off his shoes and placed it at the rack before taking off his coat and bag to be put down on the sofa. he can't wait to see and hug the younger since they haven't seen each other for a day. it makes him crazy that he wants to step inside the bathroom but he knows that woozi is not comfortable with them showering together. well.... it happens when hoshi is really being stubborn but that's only when woozi was up for... you know... making love.

right now, hoshi just headed to the dining area and sat there waiting for the younger. when he heard the door open, he immediately stood up and walked towards the younger who is busy drying his hair.

"baby" he called out and reached for a hug and woozi backed off a little. "oh come on, woozi. just one"

"you know you stink, right?" woozi said smiling over his boyfriend who is practically frustrated. "i'm just kidding. come here you big baby and let me fill you with energy"

hoshi finally felt home as he sniffed the younger's neck and filling his nostrils with those familiar minty and fresh scent. "gosh i missed you so much, love"

"i know. i know. i missed you too" he answered and rubbed hoshi's back, tracing circular patterns while giving him little kisses. "now let's eat so you can take a shower and let's cuddle, okay?"

they headed at the dining area and they started eating. woozi felt kinda bad that he forced hoshi to eat. the boy was literally closing his eyes while having a bite on his food and he keeps on yawning.

"come on, take a few bites and we're going straight to bed. you can shower when you wake up" woozi said and hoshi finished his sandwich and both of the stood up.

"i'm sorry baby that i need to be with you without taking a shower" hoshi apologized and it made woozi chuckle.

"it's fine. it's not that you're really stinky. you're tired okay? don't mind me" he replied and they both headed to their bedroom.

hoshi was the first one to step on the bed, lying down, waiting for woozi to be in his arms and as soon as the smaller boy was fully captured by him, he closed his eyes and smiled at the thought of him being lucky with woozi. the younger boy never complains by their weird routine and now that they're together, woozi was now listening to what he always say. he never takes any of hoshi's advises, wrong. he was adjusting and making an effort at the same time. even though they have an opposite personality, he really is considerate over small things.

"thank you, baby. for spoiling me like this. you don't know how much i am thankful that you are here right now" hoshi whispered and everytime he says something like that, it never fails to make woozi blush. "i love you so much"

"you're always welcome, love. this is just a small thing and it's not hard to give it to you" he replied and he scooted closer to hoshi, giving him a kiss on the lips and on the forehead. "i love you more. now go to sleep you big baby"

"okay see you later"

woozi then chuckled. "see you later, then"

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