twenty seven

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after they talked about everything, all of them was now okay. they already knew that some of them are real straight and some of them are dating. hoshi was relieved that the members forgave him and made him feel like what he said doesn't matter anymore. the important thing is, they should communicate and tell each other's problems.

then the morning came and woozi was woken up to be alone in the bed. he was confused at first but then he realized that someone's cooking and making a lot of noises outside. it made him blush by the thought of hoshi making an effort for their breakfast, which he really missed because it was hoshi who always push him to eat breakfast and how does he knew that it was hoshi? obviously because jeon wonwoo would be impossible to be awake at this hour. he's always spending his time writing throughout the night and mingyu comes home late so they happen to just sleep the whole morning.

he then walked outside and saw the older busy with his cooking. the way he wipe his hands on his apron and how he walks side by side, cleaning the surface of the table with a tissue.

woozi then leaned on the cabinet, admiring how hot hoshi is when making breakfast. he didn't expect the latter to be good at this because in his eyes, hoshi was just a baby that needs protection 24/7.

"good morning" woozi said and he laughed to witness hoshi flinched because of his sudden greetings. "you're really into that cooking, aren't you? did i scare you?"

"good morning babe" he said while smiling over his cute boyfriend with his morning look. then he gave him a peck on the lips and goes back at the stove to turn it off. "i want this to be perfect. it's our first breakfast together as boyfriends"

"you're being so cheesy and so gay as the day goes by and i am so happy to witness that. it's cute" woozi replied and walked towards the chair. "you're hot while cooking by the way"

"and you're hot with that oversized sweatshirt you're wearing right now" hoshi then walked closer to him just to hug him and give him a bite on his exposed shoulders.

"stop teasing babe. it's too early and we should give your cooking a taste. it looks delicious" woozi said and he grabbed a chopsticks, not minding hoshi in front of him, still hugging his waist.

"but i think you're more delicious, baby" hoshi whispered and all of a sudden, someone on their side cleared their throat.

"gosh it's early in the morning and we'll see them like this. that's too gay" mingyu said while hugging wonwoo from behind. "but it's cute i have to admit"

"thank the universe you're here, hoshi. we can now eat our breakfast without thinking whether who would cook since we always wake up late" wonwoo said and they walked towards the table, grabbing some plates on the side.

"mingyu and i can take turns for breakfast since we can't let you two cook. you'll just destroy the whole house" hoshi said and he also started to grab some bite.

"i agree with that" mingyu added.

"i can cook too but i just don't do it since i don't eat here often anyways. i always eat at the company and i don't have time to cook for myself" woozi answered and rolled his eyes.

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