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"jeon wonwoo i swear to god if you told them about where we live i'm gonna fucking kill you!" woozi whispered and wonwoo was confused.

"i'm not dumb, woozi! i don't even know who the fuck is at the door right now!" wonwoo whispered back and they both walked towards the door.

as wonwoo being the taller, he looked at the peep hole to see who's outside and he was surprised to see seungkwan, vernon and minghao.

"fuck! who told them we're living here!?" wonwoo stated and he pulled his hair out of frustration.

"who the fuck is outside!?" woozi asked and suddenly the door was banging from outside.

"we can literally hear you, idiots. now open the door before i let vernon destroy it" seungkwan said and they both opened the door. smiling at them. "let us in"

"do you want me to hang you upside down? we're literally older than you, bitch" woozi said and he acted like he was pulling seungkwan's collar.

as soon as they all settled down in the living room, they all went quiet. not able to comprehend any sentences.

"first of all, who told you where we live?" woozi asked and minghao scratched the back of his neck.

"we may or may not bought a hundred americanos at your shop so that yoongi hyung would tell us where you live. se we bought a hundred coffees and gave it to the people around town" vernon answered and they all shook his head.

"why are you even here?" woozi asked and they all raised their empty pinky finger. "fuck! who told you to be a rebel? you gave your rings back to seungcheol hyung!? oh my universe!!"

"i can't just sit there and do nothing, hyung. we love you. plus h-hansol and i are dating" seungkwan said and both wonwoo and woozi's eyes widened. "we've been hiding this for awhile now and we can't come out, knowing that it is a sensitive topic. so when jeonghan hyung opened that up, i was so happy. not until hoshi hyung said those hurtful things. plus seungcheol hyung took all of our rings and he left"

"how's jeonghan hyung?" woozi asked and now he wants to take jeonghan in his house. "tell me he's fine"

"well, he's working with lots of kids. i'm sure he's fine and jeonghan hyung knows what he's doing. we can trust him to not do silly things" minghao replied.

"minghao why are you even here? where's jun?" wonwoo asked and minghao shook his head and he started to cry.

"he left after i said i'm gay. i don't know what happened but he also placed the ring on the table without saying anything. that's when seungcheol hyung got mad and he took all of our rings" he explained and everyone of them gave him a hug.

"it's okay. we're here for you"

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now