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okay bishes this chapter would be just introducing the boy's present works.


choi seungcheol, the eldest of the group. he's currently a businessman and he'll be like rapping at the same time but no one knows about it yet. he would upload his tracks online with an anonymous name. it attracts a lot of people though and them be like wanna die just to see one photo of seungcheol and he enjoys the attention. he enjoys how people was frustrated to know who the hell is the person behind those amazing tracks.

yoon jeonghan is now a day care teacher. he loves children and it's his dream to like have lots of kids around him. they'll be like playing, eating together, studying and reading bed time stories for a 3 hour nap. currently, he's really close with seungcheol that they always meet and eat outside just to talk about their daily lives and past lives. where they always compete of who is the longest to be in a relationship but they don't seem to be serious about it.

hong jisoo is an english professor. jeonghan and him, they have the same dream but jisoo wants to engage in a more serious teaching. it's not that jeonghan's work is not serious but he likes to teach kids. not some teenagers who happens to be hard to teach. sometimes, okay? sometimes. anyway, jisoo also have his own clothing line as where chan is one of his models.

mun junhui is now an actor. he have so many projects that he's so busy and he haven't seen the members for a year. well he's still connected with them and they still communicate. but he's just updated whenever they post their pictures online. but he's happy with his work and now excited for having a 6 months leave.

jeon wonwoo is currently a writer. he's an anonymous writer to be specific. he have a lots of popular books but he just happened to not like being exposed so he chose to just talk to his fans with a blank name and picture. fan signing event is impossible to happen for now. he just sign the books inside his office and spread it everywhere. he may be older now and mature, but he still doesn't like to interact with people. not yet. also he's currently living with mingyu.

seo myungho or xu minghao is a model and he has his own fashion boutique that is like, everywhere in china and seoul. he's been busy with his photoshoots and his business so he haven't seen the members for 5 months. as junhui, he's been waiting for his leave. he filed a 5 months rest so that he can be with his friends and families too.

kim mingyu is currently living with wonwoo. they happen to be very close that they decided to live together. like minghao and junhui, he's a model and an actor. he's just so busy that his schedule are jammed. he's still not having a leave though. he doesn't know when to catch up with the members.

lee seokmin or dokyeom is currently a singer and he has a big project where he was scouted for the musical in new york. it is a dream come true actually so he was so excited that he flew to new york early to have vocal lessons and to have a proper practice. he's in new york for a month now and he's preparing for the big event.

boo seungkwan is also a singer and an entertainer. he's been to a lot of variety shows in korea and currently regular in a lot of shows. everyone just know him and he's quite popular for being the youngest entertainer in showbiz. he's super close with hansol and they're working on buying a condo unit for them since they are so inseparable.

like seungcheol, chwe hansol is a rapper. he's helping woozi with producing and stuff in pledis entertainment and he also have a clothing line that is starting to be famous. chan is also his part-time model.

lee chan or dino is a solo artist in pledis. woozi is responsible for producing his songs and hoshi is his choreographer. but he still helps them with writing and creating choreo. right now, he's still busy with his tour in japan and he just happened to wait for it to end and announce his full time rest in 3 months.

all of them is waiting for their 10th year anniversary. they are planning on having a big party at woozi's mansion. where there are a lot of artists and famous people invited. well, woozi is not a big fan of parties. but he just let the boys decide since it's their anniversary anyways. and they have a lot to catch up on. they promised to strive and achieve their dreams together and here they are. just busy though.

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