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"since you're new here, this is the cafeteria" hoshi said and jihoon was surprised. their cafeteria is so big that all of the students can really fit in.

"we sit on the very end since some of our friends don't enjoy a lot of people so we decided to just usually sit there" hoshi explained and he just nodded.

great then! i don't like crowded places too. okay this is just so perfect, he thought and they all walked at their place.

"okay everyone, i have a new friend. he's lee jihoon and he's new" hoshi introduced the smaller and he just bowed at them.

"oh come on that's too formal, jihoon. we're cool, you know. i'm seungcheol by the way. the oldest here" he said and jihoon sat across them.

when they finished introducing their names, jihoon observed that all of them are really different. some don't share any similarities at all and you'll see some of them why they are friends. they're extremely loud and extra. but they are so funny to watch.

"jihoon hyung! why are you so cute? i mean, you look younger than me. how's that happening. you're literally two years older" seungkwan said and they all laughed including jihoon.

"i don't know. maybe because of our genes? have you seen how small suga hyung is? i mean, suga the producer" fuck! now they'll know i'm related to that grumpy old man.

"wait what? how is that related? i mean, yes i know how small and cute suga is but.... what does it have to do with you?" hoshi asked and their eyes all widened in surprise.

"you're related to suga? as in min yoongi? omg! so cool!" seungcheol exclaimed and he just covered his face.

"i'm not planning on saying that but i guess.... you know already. he's my half brother. our mom remarried my dad when yoongi hyung's dad passed away and they had me. so you see, we have different surnames. i'm lee and he's min. but yeah we're close and we don't really treat each other different. he grew up calling my dad, his father too. so no problem if you're curious" jihoon explained and they all nodded.

"that's good then! i'm glad you don't have problems in your house" jeonghan said and smiled warmly at the younger boy.

"okay don't get us wrong. we like you because you're cool. not because of your brother. or maybe partly" then seokmin laughed. "just kidding. it's not like we'll see suga because of you anyways"

"it's fine. you guys are the first one to know. he hides me though. well, not in a bad way. he just know that i'll face some problems if ever he publicized me. so if you really want to meet him, you gotta zip your mouth. he'll kill me"

"don't worry, jihoon. my younger brother is jeon jungkook and they kept it too. since i don't really like bragging about how popular that young boy is. so you're safe here" wonwoo said and they all nodded.

"yeah. my older brother is kim taehyung but lots of people know that. he's a great actor though" mingyu added and jihoon was just so surprised.

"yeah i have seen one of his movies. he's cool" jihoon stated and mingyu laughed at him.

"only if you knew his real personality"

"okay how come you're all related to famous people? am i lucky to have all of you as my friend?" chan blurted out and giggled. "oh wait! hoshi hyung is related to Boa, right? oh come on! you guys are so cool!"

"that's not cool. if you just know the struggle of having lots of cameras moving in your house. but suga hyung has his own house now so we don't really struggle nowadays. okay i should shut up. let's stop talking about that grumpy old man"

"don't worry, jihoon. your secret is safe with us. don't think about it too much" jisoo said and they all smiled, assuring that jihoon is fine with them.

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