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"boyfriend? what? this is confusing! who are you anyways?" hoshi was now hysterical. he was just so surprised that someone mistaken him as woozi's boyfriend. that is ridiculous! as for he was not even gay. and he hates gay people!

"it's just a misunderstanding, hoshi. you don't have to over react" woozi said and seonghwa was somehow scared because of hoshi's reaction. "seonghwa can you please go to the guest room and take a shower? you can't be going home tonight. you're going to stay here"

"what? woozi? why are you letting him sleep here? i mean, can you please tell me what's happening?" hoshi asked and woozi led seonghwa inside the room.

"hoshi can you please shut up for a moment? i'm going to explain, okay? you're scaring the boy!" woozi said and sat down. "the kid is gay. if you want to leave, then leave. that boy was beaten by his father. i can't let him go back to his apartment knowing he suffered into something dangerous. i respect him for who he is, okay? i'm totally fine with it"

"h-he's gay? then why are you helping him? i'm your best friend. can't you understand that? just let him go home and deal with it himself. why is he dragging you in his own problems? maybe he did something awful for his dad to react like that. he's gay after all. i won't be surprised if he did something wrong" woozi now was so mad. he can't let him insult seonghwa like that as for he is also insulting woozi.

"then leave. if you still can't accept people like him, i won't tolerate it. as much as i want to respect that you are homophobic, you have to respect me too. for i am okay with it. the boy was not accepted by his family and i am going to help him. he's working in our shop and i am his boss. i am willing to help. now if you can't be around gay people, might as well just leave instead of insulting him" woozi said and he stood up. he's trying to calm himself down for he was scared that he might hit the older.

"w-what? you're going to choose him over me?" hoshi asked and he somehow got scared of woozi but still wanna fight. "you're throwing our friendship just because of that gay?!"

"if you want me to choose you in the first place, you should've just let me help him and you should've just left. you should've just understand that he was in danger if i ever let him go home. if you just leave that he's gay and think about what can happen to him. maybe i won't get mad like this. just leave if you can't handle being with gay people"

"why are you even taking his side? lee jihoon! why can't you understand that i hate gays? why do i have to compete with that kid over you? i can't believe this! i thought you understand me! i thought you know me so well! what's even good with gay people that you have to fight with me because of them! why are you helping a person with a fucking disease!?"

he slapped hoshi. so hard that it made woozi cry. his tears that he was trying to hold for so many years, fell down and he was so damn hurt. so hurt that he can't afford to see hoshi in front of him anymore.

"that's enough! if you can't accept me. leave me alone and don't show up your face to me. don't you even dare coming here and talking to me! if you can't accept gay people like me, might as well throw our friendship away because i don't care anymore! yes i'm fucking gay! now get the fuck out of my house!"

he pushed the older away and he closed the door locking it behind. he was crying so hard but he thought of seonghwa, who might heard everything that he said. so he stood up and checked for the boy.

as soon as he opened the door, a crying seonghwa welcomed him. he's still wearing the same wet clothes and he was sitting onto the floor.

"stand up" woozi said and the boy immediately obeyed. "from now on. if they don't like what you are. if they don't respect you. stand up for yourself. not every time i'm here for you. have you heard us? of course you did. if you can't love yourself, you don't deserve to be happy. you can't seek for happiness if you think that everyone should accept you. everyone will still say something bad to you even if you are the kindest person alive. even if you are their family or their friend. you're the only one who can accept the real you"

"w-why are you friends with him if he's insulting people like us? how can you be with someone like him?" seonghwa asked and he was taken aback.

"because i love him. i am his bestfriend and i am the only one who knows him very well. not even his parents can understand him. only me. as much as possible i'm trying to make him think that gay people aren't as bad as he thinks and i'm sure he has his reasons. now enough asking and take a bath. clothes are inside the closet. have a rest because you still have to study tomorrow"

"thank you, hyung"

"don't mention it"

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now