twenty five

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"what the fuck!?"

both of hoshi and woozi's eyes widened when they saw wonwoo holding a paper bag and for the moment, woozi was having a good time looking at wonwoo's expression.

"i-i can explain, wonwoo" woozi said while smiling and hoshi just hid behind his back.

"yes i need an explanation" wonwoo replied and crossed his arms sitting across them. "i'm not done with you, hoshi. just sit there and you'll get what you want later"

"oh come on, jeon wonwoo. don't scare him like that" woozi muttered and he received a flying shoes onto his head. "ouch! what was that for!"

"what was that for?! so you're taking his side now after everything!?" wonwoo shouted and woozi laughed at him so hard.

"why would you think that i would choose you over him? in your dreams" for the second time, wonwoo's blood rose up to his face. "i'm kidding babe. he's just here so that i can kill him later. forgiveness first before sentencing to death"

"woozi don't joke like that" hoshi said and woozi rolled his eyes at him. "so you're planning to kill me? really?"

"anyway, what happened? i mean, i'm just over reacting here. but really, why the fuck are you making out? aren't you homophobic? what happened now? what you're doing right now is fucking gay, okay but hot. i give that to you" wonwoo stated and everything turned serious.

"i'm sorry wonwoo. maybe that's all i can say because what i have said and done to our group should not be tolerated. i'm aware of that. so instead of sugarcoating my words, i'd rather stay on my line and let you say what you wanted to say or do what you wanted to do to me. but i won't stop myself from apologizing to all of you everyday. it's just... too much if i tried to make up words just to earn your trust again. hell i won't even move here in my spot. if you forgive me i'll be glad and i'll be happy of course but if you won't, i have to accept it. since that's the first step i have to learn, to accept and appreciate things and to change this way of thinking. cuz i know it sucks"

"you know what? if you just thought about it carefully and not waste your time thinking that we are disgusting, maybe i just considered giving you a second chance. but i love woozi and i want to make him happy. if you are the reason of his happiness then i can't do anything about it but to understand you. just like what woozi always say to me. you have your reason and i can't judge you for that. but you remember this, kwon soonyoung. once i saw woozi crying again, you won't see him anymore. i'll be carrying him all over the world so you won't get the chance to chase him. i'm forgiving you and i will help you explain to the other members especially from jeonghan hyung. but! all of the reason is because of woozi. don't you ever think that i'm doing this for you. it's for woozi because he is my top priority here. you understand?" woozi smiled warmly at wonwoo and he smiled back at him, holding his hand.

"thanks, wonwoo. i appreciate it" hoshi replied and wonwoo rolled his eyes. it even made woozi giggle.

"don't thank me yet. you still have to prove to us that you've really changed. it's not easy to be okay with us immediately, hoshi. you have to take it slow. we're not pressuring you and forcing you into anything. take your time, okay?" wonwoo stated and hoshi nodded at him.

"wait wonwoo, why are you even here? where's mingyu?" woozi asked and taking the paper bag on the table to see a tupperwares inside. "oh! i forgot these foods!"

"forgot my ass, bitch. i know you really wanted to forget about it because you refused to eat breakfast" wonwoo said and woozi smiled at him nervously. "now if you think that hoshi knows you so well, think about it carefully"

"i hate this. why do you have to know me so well?? i wanted to vanish right now"

wonwoo was so relieved to see woozi laughing and smiling at the moment. after a month of suffering, he can now see that genuine smile. that feeling of being happy again.

"okay i'll leave you now. mingyu was outside and he's mad because i said he can't go up in here. see you at the house"

wonwoo left the studio and both of them stared at each other and laughed. "i told you he'll understand you"

"can we now stop talking about him and continue where we left? that was kinda short and you're teasing, you know" hoshi then carried woozi on top of him, making him sit on his lap once again. "gosh how did i end up so gay for you. you're making me crazy, you know. it makes me wanna eat you"

"okay, carnivore boy. calm down, you still have to talk to the members, remember? i can't give you your price yet" then woozi winked at him kissing him as he teased the older more.

"gosh i missed your scent so damn much"

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now