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woozi is currently working on a new song. he's been busy that he doesn't have time to look for his cafe. he still visits from time to time but right now, he just can't afford to go out without finishing the songs. his older brother was advising that he would have his rest but he was just so stubborn to have liked the feeling of making a song. he doesn't consider it as work actually, since he really love what he's doing. he's not just creating a song for money. this is his dream and he can't compare it with work.

"okay i should eat something. i just have to order then" he muttered but his door opened, revealing a hoshi carrying a paper bags.

"i brought this from home because i observed that you always order food. it's not good for your body since you always stay up late. eat with me" the older said and he groaned.

"how many times do i have to tell you to knock? and how did you know my passcode?" woozi asked and he settled himself beside hoshi.

"oh come on we've been friends for 10 years. i already know everything about you. so stop asking and just eat" hoshi replied and he served food for woozi.

you don't even know that i'm fucking gay....

"how's the new trainees? are you having any headaches?" woozi then changed the subject and he saw the other took a deep breath.

"handling new trainees have been causing me pain in the head. i'm not saying they can't learn and practice it, but they don't seem to just be serious about it. i mean, from what i know, trainees tend to be more serious and hardworking but this time, i don't think any of them will be accepted in the company. i just feel so bad! i want them to succeed too. i want them to achieve their dreams but i don't know. i'll just wait for the anniversary and i'll be resting after that. i don't care anymore" that's when woozi noticed that the boy needs comfort as of now.

he visited woozi's studio, ate with him, ranted and now he knows what he really needs.

"need a hug? i mean, that calms you down though" woozi said and the older walked towards him and hugged him.

"thank the universe that you know me well. maybe hug is what i really need. thank you" hoshi whispered and woozi was happy to help. it's been hard for him these days and he knows that the other needs comfort.

"it's fine. i mean, i'm used to being like this. if hugging is what you need, then i'm gonna give it to you. it's not hard" that's when hoshi broke the hug.

"what would i do without you, woozi" he muttered and smiled warmly towards the small boy.

"oh come on how can you say that. you've been here because of your skills and hard work. plus i'm doing what i can because i'm your friend, okay? you don't have to be cheesy" woozi said and they both chuckled.

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now