twenty nine

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"hoshi!! hurry!!" it was mingyu who is so frightened by wonwoo that is outside waiting at the car. "if wonwoo hits me with his fist, that will automatically land on you! we can't keep them waiting! seungcheol hyung is getting mad already!!"

"i know i know! well, how do i look? should i use a bow tie or neck tie?" hoshi asked as he was still choosing what to wear but mingyu was glaring at him. "okay okay!!! just answer me, motherfucker!"


they both ran outside and mingyu just smiled at his boyfriend who is technically looking so mad at mingyu. all of them then stepped inside the car and driving it to the venue.

"woozi and the others are getting mad at both of you! why do you have to be this late? it is a fucking wedding for fuck sake!" wonwoo shouted and for nth time, mingyu and hoshi was scared by the deep voice.

"i'm sorry baby, you know i don't like that tone of yours. you're scaring me" mingyu replied and wonwoo just rolled his eyes as he was busy making their car fly.


on the other hand, woozi was with jeonghan and both of them are in the verge of crying but they still managed to not let their tears fall.

"i'm so happy, woozi. this will be the best" jeonghan said as they are waiting for the time to come. "i still can't believe we're already at this age where we meet the love of our lives"

"i know, hyung. it feels like yesterday we're just small beans, struggling on school works" woozi laughed and was kinda teary.

as soon as everyone is already at the venue, seungcheol was now at the altar, waiting for his soon to be husband at the door. all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen we're already seated and that's when the door opened to be welcomed by the beauty of yoon jeonghan. he was wearing a white suit and seungcheol cannot help himself but to tear up. finally, after years and years of trying, the effort was worth it.

the wedding started and everyone was just engrossed by the two, looking at each other and screaming the love and sincerity in their eyes.

"i can't wait to be like them too" woozi whispered on his own that hoshi didn't hear him. he's been waiting for the older to propose to him but it's not happening. they've been dating for 5 years now and there is no hint of rings pulling out of the box. well, he can just ask the boy but and be the first one to propose but he was too scared and embarrassed. what if hoshi doesn't like him that way? what if, the idea of wedding and having family was not really clear for hoshi?

the wedding ceremony ended as they all witnessed the couple's lovely kiss and the throwing of the bouquet but unfortunately, it was wonwoo who got the flower and suddenly, mingyu got on his knees, proposing to wonwoo. it was their plan after all.

woozi was jealous and he can see through hoshi's eyes that he was just happy for them. they were not even talking about what to do in the future and that's what making woozi sad at the moment.

"hey baby, you okay?" hoshi asked and pulled woozi closer to him. "should we go home? the party is over anyways"

"n-no. i'm fine. maybe i'm just feeling sick because of the crowd. don't mind me and you can go have fun. i'll just be here" woozi answered and hoshi just smiled at him, giving him a kiss on the forehead and he left him.

woozi then took his phone out and started playing on his phone. as much as possible, he's still trying to understand the situation. maybe hoshi was not yet ready or he's just rushing things out. he should consider that hoshi might not be ready for that serious matter. but the thought keeps on crossing his mind.

is five years not enough? so in that years we're still gonna stay like this? not thinking of any future plans? am i not part of his future?

"woozi it's time to go home. i cannot drink anymore since i still have to drive us back home" hoshi stated and woozi just nodded and they all bid everyone a goodbye and they congratulated the couple once again then left.

the ride home was silent. woozi was not even giving the older a glance. he's sad even though he tries to understand hoshi. it makes him feel insecure that he have to doubt if he'll be part of hoshi's future life. it makes him feel a lot smaller, thinking about what could he possibly lack? that they're not even talking if they have any plans for what is happening between them as of now.

"baby? are you okay? still feeling sick?" hoshi asked and held hoshi's hands. "come on, look at me"

"i'm fine. maybe i just need sleep since i'm awake for 24 hours now" woozi coldly answered still not looking at his boyfriend.

"what's wrong? tell me" hoshi asked and soon he parked the car inside their garage. woozi didn't answer him instead he just walked out of the door heading inside. "hey hey, slow down"

"we have to rest, hoshi. let's just talk about this tomorrow" woozi stated and hoshi was surprised. he even called his boyfriend by his name.

"hoshi? no baby or love, anymore? tell me, what'd i do wrong now?" hosi asked and he's getting a little bit annoyed. "if you won't talk, i wouldn't know what's happening. we talked about this. no secrets"

"hoshi we should rest, you know? there's still tomorrow and i'm really tired and sleepy. please" woozi pleaded but hoshi refused.

"we cannot go to sleep without this being solved. you know i hate us having a misunderstanding and using sleep as an excuse for an escape" what hoshi said was true and it made woozi guilty.

at woozi's defeat, he hugged hoshi so tight and he started to sob. "i-i'm just sad. i always feel like i'm not good enough for you. i feel like, i don't deserve you at all. i always think if you still love me the way you do when we started to date. i don't want to put pressure on you and i'm trying to understand you as much as i can"

"oh my gosh baby. why would you think about that? you are my first boyfriend and my last. don't you ever think that my love for you will stop. i'm sorry that you feel insecure about this relationship. you are so good for me, love. you know that you will always be the one for me. i am dating you for 5 years now. if i'm not sure about you, i would've ditched you with other girls or boys but no. being with you is already a dream come true. come on, stop crying. you know i love you so damn much that i can die right now" hoshi said while giving the top of his head a few kisses.

right after they talked, they stepped inside their blanket and they cuddled. woozi was still not satisfied about what happened. he didn't even get the chance to explain the real reason why he's acting up. he can't manage to be away from hoshi if he ever opened up that topic. he was too scared that he thinks that hoshi might think he's assuming things and he shouldn't have said that. he was not even sure if hoshi wants him to be his husband.

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